Deuteronomy 29:29 NLT “The LORD our God has secrets known to - TopicsExpress


Deuteronomy 29:29 NLT “The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions. Many Christians have lots of questions about God, His Word, and the way He runs everything. Imagine someone asking you to build a house and you can’t get any wood, there’s no Home Depot around, and you have to build it in an area where there’re many thieves. That’s sort of what God’s job is with us all; He has to make things work in an environment totally foreign to Him, a place saturated in wickedness, trying to save a people that are totally blinded by their own pride and arrogance and by Satan himself. God became a Lamb and came down to a bunch of wolves, bears, dragons, and all sort of enemies being guided by the devil. Just look at how Satan tried to kill Jesus, even before He was born. The questions that some Christians have are; why did God make humanity knowing so many would end up in hell, why would I trust the Bible when it was written by man – and yet no contradictions have been found? What’s going to happen to “all” those who have not heard the Gospel? Why is hell eternal? And on and on it goes. Does it matter knowing the answers to all these questions? What does that have to do with our salvation? God has revealed Himself and revealed many, many things that unveil His character and nature. From Genesis to Revelation, God has demonstrated that we are lost and damned, we are a wicked people and the inclinations of our heart are only evil without the sweet grace of God in us, without the Light of God in us, without God’s awesome salvation for us! Everything revealed in the Bible, we will be held accountable for it. And believe me everything God has given us in His Word is enough for us to do and to be what God is calling everyone to do and to be. No one, absolutely no one is without excuse as why they don’t walk in God’s ways, as why they don’t receive God’s gift of salvation in Christ. The only questions I have to God is; how can I walk closer to you, how can I please you more, my Lord and my God - - and yes, I know the answers to my questions?
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 11:32:13 +0000

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