Deuteronomy 6:10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land - TopicsExpress


Deuteronomy 6:10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Vaden Earle, sometime ago reminded me in one of his blogs alerting of world hunger and third world issues, of just how privileged we are. It reminded me how much I sometimes allow the cares of day to day life to cause me to take much of my privileges and blessings for granted. I remember Vaden writing in his blog that if you live on or have lived on social assistance you are still in the top 5% of the wealthiest people in the world. Wowsers eh?! I remember well December of 96 and January 97, during my first six months of having come to this economic Mecca we call Alberta. I remember the sudden and unannounced lay-off from work with its promise that Id be needed again in a few months. I remember the common response of come see me right after Christmas! That I heard again and again as I went business to business in Richmond Industrial park in GP looking for more work right after my lay-off. I remember my wifes anger when I said we were going to have to ask the government for assistance until I got back to work. Lord have mercy! ......I remember Miss Rita Boderinko, Pastor Steve and the local church, and some new acquaintances, friends of my uncle Lorne, all who showed up at different times baring groceries, just to make sure wed be taken care of over Christmas. ...Yes. Blessed. Very Blessed. I contributed little or nothing to this organized system of church and state from which I can testify, took very good care of my family and I. But I sure reaped the benefits of them all. I could tell the story of how my mom call and demanded we had to come home with those two small youngsters, citing a conversation with Mary Plowman, the postmaster back home whod inquired as to how I was doing in Alberta, well, I didnt even know what to say to her as her leverage to twist my arm and come home. .. I could tell that story but I wont....Its personal and confidential. Oops! DOH!! No, this post is simply about stopping briefly to soberly reflect on the efforts and hard work of others before me. Its about pausing to appreciate both church and state, and friends or acquaintances that more often then not, have graced me and blessed me through many various means or programs to help me provide for myself snd family, especially from my late teens to late twenties. Despite the shortcomings, occasional headaches, and imperfections of all mentioned, their laws, values, convictions and charity helped me at a time I needed help the most. So much to be grateful for. Today, both my wife and I are very blessed. Were both doing well for ourselves. Weve had to make some tough decisions. We made numerous new friends whom we appreciate greatly but occasionally grieve over the great distance between us and our parents and siblings, and friends of our youth. But today as we work hard and give back, we remind ourselves our situation is not unique. Many came here before us, from all over. They left family and friends as well for their promised land. They lived with conviction through many hardships. They contributed much to the great vision of others. Ive read much of the faith and perseverance of many of these folks. I will make it a point to read more. Though my personal story has a few instances of snares, tests and trials requiring wisdom, focus and perseverance, not everyone has a story such as mine to tell. Not everyone has been as fortunate or lucky. My long winded point is simply this. It is never too late to start over or get back on track. Scripture has been an important ingredient for me as it was many others. A welcome brochure, a table setting for the preparation of a feast. the rest was up to me. To sum it up, scripture to me it is simply a testimony of very ordinary folks who accomplished the extraordinary, and just how they accomplished it, and through what circumstances they persevered to do so. ..Its reveals endlessly that Its never too late and no situation impossible. Gods love and grace never fails. Its scandalous as Jachin Mullen said a few weeks ago, Worldly Grace says You get a second chance. Scandalous Heavenly Grace says You get a new life. Wendi and I are truly grateful for our lives. We are certain of what has been front and center in getting us where we are thus far. We are certain He will never fail us in the future, whatever the future holds.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:05:13 +0000

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