Developing can-do attitude: a must for success If you say that - TopicsExpress


Developing can-do attitude: a must for success If you say that someone has a can-do attitude, you approve of them because they are confident and willing to deal with problems or new tasks, rather than complaining or giving up. When faced with a challenge or opportunity in life, do you approach it with a can-do or a can-dont attitude? With a can do attitude, you can make your dreams come true. If youd like to improve your attitude towards life or if you have a can-dont attitude, the following are some significant strategies which may contribute to you for developing can-do attitude: 1. Make a list of everything you would do if you werent afraid. Would you dye your hair? Move to another city/country? Quit your job & start pursuing what you love? Speak your mind? Whatever it is, write it down. 2. Set a timer for twenty minutes. In this time, write down as many dreams and goals as you can. Dont worry about whether these things are possible or if you think you can do it. 3. Use these two lists to choose one to three things youd like to accomplish in the next week or so. 4. Begin thinking about how you can make these goals happen. Some of them, for example wearing something youve been afraid to wear or standing up for yourself, dont require planning as much as they require courage. Others, such as quitting your job or moving require a lot more planning and possibly money to make happen. For the first goals you choose, try to pick the easier things on the list. Staring simple and working your way up to larger goals will build confidence. 5. You can also begin planning for larger goals. If your goal will require a lot of money, think about how you can make or save this money, or how you could work out a way to get it for cheaper, for example, bartering for what you want. 6. Start doing! Youve got to do things if you want to build up your self-confidence and develop a can-do attitude. Take the words I cant out of your vocabulary, and start figuring out ways that you can. 7. Say Yes to more things. Rather than avoiding opportunities or convincing yourself that you cant do something, say yes to more things. You should also learn how to say no more often if agreeing to do too many things is one of your problems. 8. Build confidence by working on your goals all the time. If you have a can-dont attitude because youre afraid of what others will think, start out small. For example, you could try stating your opinion about something trivial, or you could wear something a little different than you usually do. Practice makes better, and the more you work on having a can do attitude, the better youll be at doing so. 9. Use your imagination! Picture yourself being successful at your goal. Envision yourself having a can-do attitude and living the life of your dreams. If you dont feel confident, you can always pretend you do. By pretending, youll learn what its like to have a can do attitude, and youll build confidence in the fact that you can indeed do it. Pretend long enough, and eventually you will find that you have acquired that attitude. 10. Realize that changing your attitude is an ongoing process. It will probably take some time before you have a can-do attitude, but if you keep working at it, you can do anything. (Comments on this collected material are expected after your pleasant reading with can-do attitude!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:25:00 +0000

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