Developing now, DARREN WILSON TO RESIGN .... Darren Wilson, - TopicsExpress


Developing now, DARREN WILSON TO RESIGN .... Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police offer involved in shootiing an killing of the 18 year old unarmed tennager Michael Brown, will resign from the ranks of the Ferguson police department... Reports say Mr.Wilson believes his resignation will help ease the restive Missouri City... The report also added that Derren Wilson is of the Opinion that the grand jurry seating in Missouri will not indicte him for the shooting death of the teenager..... It will be recalled that a state of emergency has been imposed in the city of Ferguson and national guard troops called out to support the police agencies in the area in restoring order when the grand jury findings is released..... Tension is high in Ferguson...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 13:04:20 +0000

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