Development does not need everybody to be educated. But those - TopicsExpress


Development does not need everybody to be educated. But those gifted with required skills can become the mind of the rest of community members and lead them to prosperity. Bungoma county has many experts, locally and those in diaspora. Both are a huge asset or resource that the current county government can only ignore to its regret. Bungoma county citizens are many (around 2million pple), its a dynamic population and from different background. Above all they love peace. One way to exploit this human capital resource and all other economic resources available to us is to draw one time LONG TERM VISION (Bungoma County Vision 2050) in our first government. This will set the right foundation to drive the county on top in terms of national devt agenda. With long term vision, ALL aspiration of county citizen will be captured. Everyone knows when each project will be done, by who and how much it will cost. In other words county citizens will be in a position to know where they are going even when nothing will be happening in their respective areas as they are aware of the devt plan in pipeline. Also office bearers will take up their office with clear understanding of their mandate as their performance will be quantified and rated with fairness. Current argument such as one I witness in our county where some pple blame the governor for ignoring them is a sign that Ken Lusaka political promises cannot capture pple aspiration. For the above said reason, there is need to draw mega vision that gives us a picture of how we expect Bungoma County to look like in the next 30-50years. Its out of this that we further break it down into short and medium term plans which candidates aspiring to lead us can show us as we choose among them the best candidate. This candidate will work to attain specific goals and objective in their five year tenure. Therefore, we need bigger vision and incorporate current governors development plans and consequently we will unite our county as we give leaders a chance to deliver on our already set targets. At this level, even a non performing leader will be ashamed as own failure to attain our targets will not be tolerated. My question is, is Governor Ken Lusaka ready for this? I hv a yes and no. By starting with a yes, Ken knows the value of planning. But we cannot be limited by his vision for us, for a county is bigger than our self ego. So he knows its the best way to manage the county. No part of the answer is interesting, while he knows the value of Long term vision, he is enslaved by old school of thought harvested while in civil service, never implement good plans for public motto, therefore, he may not like it because it limits exploitation of public resource by those in office. Thats is why he will insist on his individual vision for us that has no standard measure and immediate corrective action for failure to deliver results. So its better for him to tell you that he will build a school, road hospital etc. When we have a vision capturing the aspiration of the county citizen, our eyes will be on performance contract of those in office. But without the vision we will continue the bickering politics like that of RAO and UK. Remember, this system is never liked by political leaders and thats why Governor Lusaka may not welcome the idea of Bungoma County 2030-50 vision. They do not want to be rated.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:16:13 +0000

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