#Devotion Containers There was a kingdom that was severely - TopicsExpress


#Devotion Containers There was a kingdom that was severely hit with a drought and soon the people had very little food and water. The king decided to hold a two day celebration to honor the people of his kingdom. The king announced that he would be sharing half of his wealth with all the people who showed up to the celebration, but there was a catch. To be admitted to the celebration one had to come with water. The very thing that was lacking was what they had to come with but the king did not specify the amount of water. People came from all over the kingdom with various sizes of container caring the water and the celebration was something to behold. When the time to end the celebration drew near, the king congregated all his people together and announced it was time for him to share his wealth with everyone who was present and the people rejoiced. The king gave instruction for everybody to come with the container they had carried water with and from the kings treasure they could take anything as long as they could fit it into the container. You could see how downcast many of the people were because they had come with the tiniest containers they could find! Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” When you give to God, what size of container do you use! Now when I talk about giving Im not just talking about money. Your time your talents your life your service and yes .....your money……. Is it not amazing how many of us want to give God the very least that we can and expect God in return to drown us in all His blessings? If God was to bless us using the same containers we use to give to him whether it is out time money talents and all, I wonder how many of us would be wealthy. God reserved the very best of heaven for us when he sent his son to die for us on the cross. He did not send an angel, he sent Jesus. Why then does it become hard for us to give back our very best in return? Why do we not reciprocate the demonstration of his love by also giving Him our very best? Many of us want to present a sacrifice that will cost us nothing, an animal that is blemished, one that is lame and deformed and we expect God to accept it and in return open the windows of heaven and pour out a flood of blessings! God just like the king in our story expects us to give our best not reluctantly or under compulsion neither because we have been pushed and pumped up to do so, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is not just interested in our giving, but most importantly it is the attitude of our hearts when we give. So, what is the size of the container you are using to give to God today and most importantly what is the size and attitude of your heart?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:01:05 +0000

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