Devotion March 13, 2014 So then, just as you received Christ - TopicsExpress


Devotion March 13, 2014 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:6-8 It was a harrowing story with a happy ending. It’s no wonder they made it into a movie! Captain Phillips struck box office gold as it told the story of the title character’s real life kidnapping at the hands of Somali pirates. Captain Phillips’ ship was boarded by the pirates and he was taken away and held captive on one of his own ship’s lifeboats for five days. Had it not been for a successful rescue mission by US Navy SEALs, who knows if he ever would have been freed? In his letter to the Colossians, Paul warns his friends about being taken captive. Even though both Paul and his friends in Colossae were no strangers to sailing the open seas, his warning was not against pirates. It was against even more dangerous false teachers. He warned that false teachers and the false teachings that they profess are dangerous to believers. If you listen to them, they can take your mind and heart captive! There are too many such false teachings to list them all, but we are surrounded by them each day. The worldly principle that self-promotion is the only way to get ahead, the dog-eat-dog philosophy of living, and the “just do what makes you happy” counsel that many people freely give are all at odds with the message of Holy Scripture to serve one another and glorify God. Worldly mindsets are so pervasive that they hold us hostage. But for the times that we are too much “of this world” we have a Savior who never caved to peer pressure, who never indulged, not even for a second, into self-gratification. He always remained our pure and holy and spotless Savior. He lived perfectly so that he could die innocently for everyone. He resisted temptation, but then allowed himself to be taken captive and killed on Calvary’s cross for you and for me. Jesus’ life and death and resurrection are your firm foundation and solid ground. When the wind and the waves of doubt and fear come your way, when the perils of false teachers attack your faith, when your confidence begins to get rattled, trust in the Lord. Remember that you live in him! Rooted and built up and strengthened by him and in him who has set us free, you too can overflow in thanksgiving! Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for grounding our faith in your love. Strengthen us to see your protection and cherish our foundation in your truth. Guard us from false teachings and take us one day to safely be at your side in glory. Amen. For previous devotions in the Colossians series, click HERE. Todays Devotion is brought to you by WELS99
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:32:06 +0000

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