Devotional Page 02/05/2013 G’day Mate! Do you ever feel - TopicsExpress


Devotional Page 02/05/2013 G’day Mate! Do you ever feel tempted? I am feeling tempted to complain! I am really sick of winter! “Lord, whenever it’s good for You please have mercy on us poor Missourians and make the cold weather go away!” In fact, as I type this week’s devotion my mind is troubled from reading a weather report describing another impending snow storm with snow falls of 5-8 inches within our area. Just maybe I need to pray a little harder and stop complaining to God. Wow...that’s good advice! Stop complaining and pray harder... conviction is good for the soul. But Pastor Matt, I am not very eloquent with my words when I pray... SO What! God’s interested in your heart not your vocabulary. But Pastor Matt, prayer is such a difficult practice to fulfill and I just don’t have the time... No it isn’t and you do have the time. Sometimes I am bewildered by just how much time I can waste doing activities that are not beneficial. For example, I wonder how many hours I have racked up changing channels on the remote control, being frustrated that’s there is nothing on the TV to watch. By the way it’s even worse now that we don’t have cable. The point is that there is always time to pray. But Pastor Matt, how can I talk to God, I mean He’s God and I am just one person, He would not bother with me. That’s where you are so completely wrong! God is very concerned about you because He created you. And knowing that He created you means there must be some reason He created you. I believe the reason is for you, His creation is to know Him and to love Him for what He has accomplished to rescue mankind for all eternity through Jesus Christ dying on the Cross. That being stated prayer is just the extension of that initial relationship being established. Prayer is an open two-way conversation with your Heavenly Father through Jesus. Not only as a son or daughter within God’s family can we converse with the Almighty but we have God the Holy Spirit regenerating our spirits so that we are guided in how to pray and what to pray. The first thing you must do is open your mouth and start praying and God the Holy Spirit will lead you. With all that said I better stop complaining and start praying! Won’t you join me? The Bible states in James 4:8, “Come near to God and he will come near to you”. If you desire to know more about prayer and Jesus then your future family at Ashland Baptist Church is waiting for you... We hope to see you soon! Blessings in Christ Pastor Matt Goodsell
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:54:56 +0000

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