Dewane, The Great Leopard was the biggest leopard that walked the - TopicsExpress


Dewane, The Great Leopard was the biggest leopard that walked the land. He feasted on many animals and grew sleek and fat, his spotted coat shiny and smooth. But as an ancient proverb tells The fattest leopards always attract the sharpest spears. Not far from Dewanes home, there lived an old king. The King suffered from insomnia. As wise old healer advised him that the cure was a skin blanket that could cover him from head to toe. Not just any animal skin would do, only the skin of a leopard, he said will protect you from the tokoloshes that your enemies send you, and youll dream of great victories and joy! The King sent his warriors to look for the biggest leopard in the land. Two days later, they came across a waterhole, and there was the most magnificent leopard they had ever seen. Snatching his assegaai, one of the warriors threw the weapon with all his might. It landed with a fearsome thud,right next to Dewanes paw. The chase began, Dewane leaping from tree to tree, but always with the warriors dogs on his scent and the warriors and their spears not far behind. Eventually the dogs lost his scent. The night grew black. Exhausted and fearful Dewane sat high up on a rock and wondered what to do. It was then that he heard the familiar cackle of a hyena piercing through the darkness. Although he despised the creature, he knew that the cunning animal would probably be able to help him, and so he went to seek his advice. The advice that the hyena gave was strange, but the poor leopard had no choice but to obey. They set off for the kings village, where they killed several of his sheep. They then dragged the sheep back to the hyeanas cave, after which Dewane was told to go and hide. A few days later, the hyena arrived at the leopards hiding place. Hyenas belly was fat with sheep and he carried a bundle on his back. When he unrolled the bundle, there lay and enormous and beautiful leopard skin. Dewane could not believe his eyes! How could it be that there was a leopard bigger than me he asked? But the hyena laughed. This is not a leopard skin, but the skin of the sheep, carefully sewn, dyed and painted with spots by my wives. And if it can fool you, it will certainly fool the old king! That night, the fake leopard skin was placed next to the sleeping warriors. The next morning, the overjoyed warriors went triumphantly back to the king. Later that night, the snores of the king could be heard throughout the valley. When the snores reached Dewanes ears, he sighed with relief, feeling sage again in his beautifully spotted skin. (Folklore from Botswana) Visit Dave Pusey Photography for more stunning photographs!
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:07:12 +0000

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