Dharma Talk by Master Lu Malaysia Dharma Function – 28 August - TopicsExpress


Dharma Talk by Master Lu Malaysia Dharma Function – 28 August 2011 Dharma friends, Abbots and Venerables, and all of our dear friends who have made contributions toward this Dharma function, first of all, I would like to wish everyone to be full of Dharma Bliss! The flowers that everyone just gave me, let’s sincerely offer them to the most merciful and most compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva who saves us from suffering and disasters. It is a great pleasure for us to be in Malaysia. There is no feeling of foreignness. As we live in this world, we are connected by karmic affinity. Today, many of us have gathered here from thousands of miles away because of our karmic affinity. This karmic affinity is not romance or love in everyday life. What we have is the Buddhist affinity with Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Yesterday when I was on the plane, just before landing, about one and half hours from Malaysia, I saw Guan Yin Bodhisattva with the auspicious dragon. They had already arrived in Malaysia. Then I also saw many Bodhisattvas in Malaysia, many of whom I didn’t recognise. However, many Bodhisattvas in Malaysia wear special hats and they seem to be watching over civilian services in Malaysia. The hats that they wore were similar to those of Administrators. Therefore I immediately paid my respects to all the Bodhisattvas in Malaysia and expressed my gratitude to all the Bodhisattvas for allowing us to gather here today and receive the great benefit of Dharma teachings, and to be immersed in the Buddha’s light of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. There are also many people from China joining us today who are our Dharma friends. They too, are very dedicated to their Buddhist practice because each of them has obtained Dharma Bliss, and each of them has changed their own life. What is the purpose of learning Buddhism and Dharma? Many people have been bowing and making prostrations to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their entire lives, but they have not attained the path. Why is this? It is not because Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not efficacious. It is because they have severe karmic obstacles due to negative karmas generated from committing numerous wrongdoings in the past. They have not been cultivating to eliminate and cross over their negative karmic affinity; therefore their prayers are not efficacious. But for us, we have the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and we have this Dharma Gem, so we can change our own lives with our own power. In June last year I gave a Dharma Talk during a Dharma Function in Australia. At that time, I predicted that there would be a rapid decline in economic activity globally. I also said that our world will have earthquakes once or twice every one to two months on average. All the predictions that I made have been very accurate. I do not say this to boast, but to let us know that we must be careful. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have stated that our world has four stages: formation, dwelling, decay and emptiness. We are now at the stage of decay and as we live on this Earth, we are facing great danger. Therefore we must learn to protect ourselves. Who can say that they can protect themselves? Those who are following Master Lu’s teachings to learn Buddhism and perform recitations, they know how to protect themselves. There was a Canadian listener who called into my radio program last week. I answered his question on air regarding whether or not he should go to the United States. I told him to wait a month and see. I said the United States was currently having some issues. What are these issues? Recently, during the earthquake in Japan, those who were practising Buddhism under the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door all went away on holidays. When they returned, their houses had collapsed but they were all physically fine thanks to the protection and blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I don’t know if any of you still remember a caller to my radio program: “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics”; she was from Canada. She said that there had been a plane accident with 280 victims on a flight she had bought a ticket for. She follows the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and is very dedicated to her Buddhist practice and recitations. As a result, on that day, she didn’t board that plane. Guan Yin Bodhisattva saves and crosses over sentient beings, and this is an outstanding example of that. Think about the Pentagon. [On 23rd August 2011, there was an earthquake felt in Washington D.C. and the Pentagon had to be evacuated.] Think about all the people who walked safely out from it, and the people standing outside thebuilding. They were helpless. They didn’t know if it was a natural or man-­‐made disaster. When the earthquake struck, they were outside the building, they were frightened and lost. Let’s think about it. When we are experiencing disasters, who can we rely upon? When we are experiencing disasters, who can help us? The Government? Indeed, no-­‐one can help you. Only Guan Yin Bodhisattva can save us. In this world, every day we have earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, natural and man-­‐made disasters. The precise message that I have now received from the upper spiritual realms is that in the olden days, when a person reached the age of 66, there would be a Karmic Passes or a predetermined period of time when calamities are destined to occur. We all know that the Karmic Passes at age 66 is very difficult to overcome. Many people tend to pass away at this age. Now we have another Karmic Passes and it is at the age of 33. Therefore, for young people, if they have committed too many wrongdoings and then they do not learn to do the right things, they may not pass the age of 33. Therefore, as a person who lives in this world, your fate and fortune are not within your control. What I just said is true for non-­‐Buddhists. For true Buddhists who are learning and practising Buddhism, I would like tell all of you: our fate and fortune are within our own control. We are all human, but why is it that some people have a good life? We are all human, but why is it that some people have problems in the family: parents passing away, losing money, or experiencing calamities? But if they start performing recitations, everything would change. Some people appear to be very healthy and strong, as if there is nothing wrong with their physical condition. However, when their Karmic Passes come, they immediately get cancer. Let’s think about it. In the past, having cancer was considered to be something major. As soon as people heard about cancer, their facial expressions would change. These days, there are cancer patients everywhere. Cancer cells can appear in any part of the body. Isn’t this a form of punishment? Do we still need to wait for the end of the world to come? In fact, there are two ways that you can think of the end of world. One is the natural disasters that we have on Earth, and the other is the disasters that we experience personally. You can temporarily escape from natural disasters for the time being, but the disasters that you experience personally are originated from your own negative karmas. Therefore when you become sick, in fact, to you, this would be the end of the world. We must therefore improve ourselves through cultivation, so that we are safe and free from disasters and calamities, and we can receive the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Bodhisattvas are saving us, but we still need to reach out our hands. When I save people, it is often very difficult as many people do not have faith. I travel all around the globe to give Dharma Talks. There is no better way. For people who have faith, I do not need to perform too many Totem Enquiries and I do not have to use my supernatural powers and show everyone my transcendental ability. However, for those who do not fully believe it, I must present this transcendental ability to everyone. I am able to know everything about you. I am able to know your past lives. I am able to know when you are going to die. I am able to know everything that is going to happen in the future. What is the purpose of this? This is to save sentient beings. At the same time, as long as you have faith, it will be easier for me to help you. Then together we can help to cross over all sentient beings onto the boat of great compassion by following the spirit of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. It is indeed a pity that we are living in the human realm. Every day we have endless afflictions. We need to resolve our afflictions. However, let’s think about it. Are you able to resolve all the afflictions in your daily life? The suffering in our lives repeats itself. This is indeed the six realms of rebirth. As we live our lives, the suffering that we experience today may reoccur a few days later. Why is that? For example, a woman who gives birth suffers tremendous pain during labour, and her life is in danger. At that time she may think, “In my next life I will never give birth again. I’m suffering so much from giving birth to one child. I don’t want to do it again.” However, a few years later, she gives birth again. Then a few years after that, she gives birth again. Why is that? This is indeed the six realms of rebirth within our human realm. Similarly, many couples who constantly fight with each other, each time the wife might think: “I don’t want to be with him anymore. I can’t be with him anymore because I’m too upset.” In fact, this can also be considered as the six realms of rebirth. Why? Because your negative karmic ties have not been transformed and resolved. Even if you were separated, you would still have the knots in your heart, and you would still feel uncomfortable and upset. You would never feel very comfortable if you do not transform and resolve your negative karmic ties. These days, people only know that they should pay respects to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but they are not aware of the effects of performing recitations. How great are the effects of performing recitations! Think about the Jvala Mahaugra Dharani (Hsiao Tsai Chi Hsiang Shen Chou). Reciting this mantra can help you to eliminate calamities and bring you auspiciousness. But so many people are unaware of this. The same is true for the recitation of the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) and the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching). In fact, there is always a process for any sutra or mantra to take effect. Reciting these sutras and mantras can help us to remove the blockages in our body. In terms of our body, performing recitations can help you to remove blockages in your meridians, including the “Grand Circulation of Heaven” and the “Minor Circulation of Heaven”. Hence, when a person performs recitations fluently and smoothly, they will experience positive emotions. If a person is in an unhappy mood, even when he performs recitations, he would be unhappy and this would affect his energy field. When his energy field is not good, then his mood would not be good. When a person is not in a good mood, then his complexion would not be good, and his relationship fortune would also not be good. Therefore, wherever he goes, he would be unhappy. For example, if a person is unhappy at home, then when he goes to work that day, he would also be unhappy. However, as Buddhists, if we are happy at home, and we are happy at work, then no matter where we are, we are happy. This is called the “transformation of the mind”. When we learn Buddhism, we are in fact cultivating our mind and performing our practice. We must understand that learning Buddhism is indeed cultivating our mind. Only when you have put your mind in the right place, then you will have the right mind. When you have the right mind, everything will go smoothly for you. When you do not have the right mind, everything you think of will deviate from the proper path. Therefore we must have the right belief, the right mindfulness, and the right practice. In other words, we need to establish a right mindfulness that is very solid. This means that in our lives, we should learn how to be a Bodhisattva, so while we are in the human realm, we are living Bodhisattvas. Why do so many people often suffer from illness? Why do many ghosts come and occupy people’s bodies? People don’t know the reason. It is because they have obtained the happiness of ghosts. Why? Because while in the human realm, they are performing the deeds of ghosts. Think about it: if you are performing deeds like a ghost in the human realm, then of course you would only obtain the happiness of a ghost. As Buddhists, we are performing good deeds. We live in this world, we are performing good deeds every day, and we are cultivating on the Bodhisattva path. When we base our happiness on helping others, we are Bodhisattvas living in the human realm. As we connect our mind with Guan Yin Bodhisattva, we will be able to receive the energy field from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Many people are reciting like samaneras, or novice monks. They use their mouth instead of their mind and this is not good. When you perform recitations, you must use your mind, and you must mindfully and sincerely perform your recitations. After a certain period of time, when your spiritual power is enhanced and your mind is connected with the energy field of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, it would be efficacious every time you try, and effective every time you pray. Last week, I was performing a Totem Enquiry for a young lady. She fell from the second floor, a very high second floor, and landed on her head. After the fall, blood was spilling everywhere from the wounds on her head, and she fell into a coma with only one breath remaining. Doctors told her family that they could not save her. Her parents are following Master Lu’s Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and they made a phone call to our Guan Yin Tang’s Secretariat. They were told to recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) as much as possible. In the end, because her parents knew that the doctors were not able to save her, they recited the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) nonstop for 4 days and 4 nights. She came back to life and recovered. Her health had even improved. This young lady woke up from a coma after 4 days and 4 nights, and she even called through to my radio program. I will now show the recording to all of you. She called through and spoke with me and told me the good news: she had forgotten all the bad memories, and only the good memories remained in her mind. For the next minute, let’s all listen to the recording. Hello? Hello. Hi, Master Lu. Hi! I got through! I’m so happy! You know, 4 months ago, I almost died. Oh. I fell from a high-­‐rise building. Oh, you’re fine now. Yes, I’m fine now! Events like this, let me tell you, without the protection and blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva, it wouldn’t be possible that you’re still alive. I was indeed protected and blessed by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. My mum and dad continuously recited the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) for the entire 3 days and 3 nights. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to wake up. At midnight, they saw auspicious clouds in the corridor at the hospital. Ah! See, I told you, how merciful and compassionate is Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Soon after that I woke up. Doctors said that the condition that I was in, the survival rate was less than 10%. I fell from the second floor of a building with high ceilings and landed on my head. See, your mind is still quite clear now. Now my brain is functioning very well. I remember many things that my parents have forgotten. Ha Ha Ha. How nice. In particular, I was very surprised that I can’t remember anything that was bad from the past. Ah. How nice! It’s like a rebirth for you! This is because your parents prayed with a sincere mind, so your life was saved. Ah! Yes, that’s right. The doctors also said that I didn’t have any of the common complications. Ah! See, see… Okay. This is the recording from last week when I answered this young lady during the radio program. I would like to tell everyone: it exists when you believe it, and it does not exist when you do not believe it. Many people are still very unfortunate, because they don’t believe it. This is why I often tell people that: you should learn Buddhism right now. After you have learned and improved yourself, you should not only focus on improving yourself, you should also go out there and save others. When everyone else is as good as you are, you then become one of the thousand arms and one of the thousand eyes of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. In fact, today, Guan Yin Bodhisattva has given me many, many positive thoughts. I indeed know that when you see me, one of the reasons is that you would like to listen to my Dharma Talk. Most of you have two main reasons. One is that you would like to find out if Guan Yin Bodhisattva has passed on any new messages to me. And the second one is that you would like me to perform a Totem Enquiry for you. Today, I will definitely perform Totem Enquiries for you, and I will perform this for you on the spot. You can ask anything about yourself. As long as you ask the question, I will be able to provide you with the answer. I am able to help you because I am propagating Dharma on behalf of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I am saving and crossing over all sentient beings. I am here to tell everyone, as Buddhists, we must know our future, we must correct our wrongdoings of the past, we must change our present, and we must let go of attachments to ourselves. This is because our fate and fortune are changeable. We must immediately let go of attachments to ourselves, and not think too much. Today is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow. Today is not equivalent to tomorrow, and tomorrow is not equivalent to today. As long as we have the right mindset, we are worthy of our conscience. When we purify our true nature, we are connected to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. No matter how many tomorrows that we may hold in our hands, it is better that, today, we take control of our present. Everyone wants to change themselves. Living in this world, who wouldn’t want to change themselves? But it is very difficult to change yourself, very tiring, and very painful. So please remember, as Buddhists, we need to know how to change ourselves. As I said before, the first thing is to let go of attachments to yourself, and second is that you should repent yourself. The calamities and disasters that we have experienced in the past and the negative karmas that we have generated in the past, they have been with us for a long period of time. Yesterday when I gave a Dharma Talk to my disciples, the first thing I said was: suppose you have a dirty item, the longer you keep it on your body, the greater the harm that it will bring to you. The wrongdoings that we have committed in our previous lives, if we keep continuing, one life after another, they will accumulate and become a very severe karmic obstacle due to negative karmas. This is why after a person commits too many wrongdoings, he would have complications. For example: his health condition would be poor. Today his digestive system is not good. Tomorrow he doesn’t take care of his cardiovascular system. The next day his liver is damaged. Then in another few days his lungs are not good. Now you tell me: would he live a long life? This is why we must eliminate our karmic obstacles due to negative karmas from our previous lives, and we must refrain from committing further wrongdoings in our present lives. This is what Bodhisattvas do. This is how we are able to change ourselves. Then, what method can we use to change ourselves? The best method is repenting. When you repent yourself, you will feel very peaceful and pure. Only when you have cleaned away the filth on your face, then you can present yourself as clean and spotless, and your face would look like that of a normal human being. The third point is: you need to cultivate yourself. If you let go of attachments to yourself and repent yourself but you have not yet started your cultivation, then it is still not sufficient. You are merely living as an ordinary person in the human realm. An ordinary person experiences sufferings as predetermined by his fate. This is the reason why fortune tellers can be so accurate. A fortune teller can tell you all the events in your life at every age, but it is very difficult for a fortune teller to change your fate and fortune. Fate and fortune are two separate concepts. Your fate is predetermined: it is a collection of Karmic Passes from your previous lives. On the other hand, fortune can be changed. Therefore, we are now cultivating our mind to change our fate. We are using our fate to change our fortune. And then we are using our fortune to change our fate. Therefore, fate and fortune are interconnected. If your fate was destined to be bad, but you perform benevolent actions and good deeds every day and be a good person, then you can change and improve your fortune. On the other hand, if your fate was destined to be good, but every day you commit wrongdoings here and there, then, as time goes by, your fate would change and become bad. Therefore, you must cultivate your mind and practise Buddhism. In fact, this is what we call changing fortune and changing fate. We all know the book “Liao-­‐Fan’s Four Lessons”. Mr. Yuan Liao-­‐ Fan was able to extend his life and change his fate. And today, I wish everyone, all the Dharma friends who have come here, all my friends, I sincerely wish that all of you can live a better life. Let’s not pursue the future, or think about the past. Let’s take control of our present. In the Diamond Sutra (Chin Kang Ching), Bodhisattvas have already said: the mind of the future cannot be obtained; the mind of the present cannot be obtained; and the mind of the past cannot be obtained. The philosophy of Bodhisattvas is indeed the philosophy of life. When we live as a good person, we are in fact Bodhisattvas. There is a saying: “The perfection of humanity leads to the attainment of Buddhahood”. We must know that as we learn Buddhism and live our lives, we are not doing it for ourselves, we are doing it for everyone. We should live for all sentient beings. If we only consider ourselves all the time, we are merely living as an ordinary person. If a person lives in this world selfishly, he is just a mean and unethical person. Someone who always wants to take advantage of others is a mean and unethical person. A person who knows when to suffer loss is a gentleman. We should aim to be like a saint and have a noble character. Each of us should learn from the Buddha and be a Bodhisattva, instead of being a mean and unethical person. My ability is very powerful. In the past, when I performed Totem Enquiries, I used to feel very tired and I would often sweat. Now that I have received blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I have improved. All you need to do is stand in front of me. You can be in the United States at night time, or in China. No matter how great the distance is, you just need to give me a phone call. Then I can instantly see the house that you live in, your family members, and everything about you. This is the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Let’s think about it. All of you today, you are sitting this close to me, and I will soon perform Totem Enquiry for you. Isn’t this your good fortune? Isn’t this the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva? I would like to tell you that last week there was a lady, and when I performed Totem Enquiry for her, I saw a hole in her chest. Then this caller said, “Master Lu, I’m just about to have an operation on my chest, there really is a hole there!” I said that her eyes are very dry, and she said, “Yes yes yes, Master Lu, my eyes are in fact very dry.” So, allow me to have a sip of tea while you listen to the recording for one minute. Hello? Ah-­‐yo! Master Lu! Thank you very much. Could you please have a look, born in 1960, in the year of the Rat, female. On the feet, and legs, there are foreign spirits. Oh. Near the heart, midway between the breasts. There’s a black patch and it looks like a hole. Master Lu, I do have a hole there. Ah. You do have a hole. Yes, I really do have a hole there, and I need to have an operation. It’s now scheduled to be in November. Oh, see see see. Also, do your eyes feel dry all the time? Yes yes yes yes yes, yes yes! This is so accurate! Master Lu. They are dry! Very dry indeed! You know, the foreign spirit on your body often goes to your eye area. Oh, so I only have one foreign spirit, right? Yes, that should be it. You should continue to recite more. Before November, you should have another medical examination for a second check. If you perform your recitations well, perhaps you won’t even need to have the operation. Master Lu, you are so accurate! Let me tell you, my premature heartbeat is already cured. Ah, see? Yes, and I was saying to my doctor, please do another check for me. If the reports show good results, then I won’t have the operation. Then before you have the operation, you should mindfully and sincerely perform recitations. Round of applause! How come no-­‐one is clapping? [Laugh.] Thank you everyone. I am very happy to be with you all. In this energy field all of us can feel the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. This is because good people tend to gather together, and when good people gather together, there is a benevolent energy field. This is reason why each of us should be a good person. When we are gathered together, we create a positive energy field. I am now going to tell you that in many Southeast Asian countries, they heavily emphasise Feng-­‐Shui. In fact, does Feng-­‐Shui really work? Yes, it actually does. But Feng-­‐Shui also depends on whether you are a good person or not. If you are a bad person, even if you choose a place that has the best Feng-­‐Shui, it still wouldn’t work. If a piece of land with very good Feng-­‐Shui is continuously used for committing wrongdoings by bad people, then in the end, the Feng-­‐Shui would change. If a piece of land with bad Feng-­‐Shui is occupied by benevolent people, occupied by Bodhisattvas, then regardless of how the Feng-­‐Shui is, it would still become a precious land with good fortunes. Since the ancient times, there is a Chinese proverb that says: fortunate people live on fortunate land. In fact, when we talk about “being fortunate”, we are actually referring to the foundation for learning Buddhism. If a person was less fortunate, it means that in his previous lives, his conscience was not benevolent enough, and he was not kind enough. A person who is not kind enough would not achieve good results in learning Buddhism, as his true inner quality would be very poor. Therefore, it does not matter whether you have the best Feng-­‐Shui or not. We all know about Nina Wong in Hong Kong. She implemented Feng-­‐Shui everywhere at her place, and the Feng-­‐Shui was excellent. In the end, she won her court case. But she passed away. You need to have good fortune to enjoy your life. If you do not have the good fortune and you forcefully fight for something that is not meant to be yours, then in the end it would still not be yours. We have to remember to respect the karmic condition and go with the karmic flow, and when things come naturally, they are truly meant to be ours. When things come as a result of our forceful requests, they are not meant to be ours. I often say the following to people: “We have to respect the karmic condition and go with the karmic flow”. What we are meant to have, are meant to be ours; and what we are not meant to have, are not meant to be ours. Therefore what we need to search for should be the most precious thing that belongs to us. What is it? It is our conscience and our true nature. So today, some of you who have come here are after Totem Enquiry, some of you have learnt Buddhism in the past, some of you have performed recitations in the past, and some of you would like to hear about Feng-­‐Shui. In fact it is also difficult for me, as I can only briefly talk about each area. Feng-­‐Shui is also very important. Let me tell you about a few simple tips related to Feng-­‐Shui. At home, if you open your door and you see a closet here, a cupboard there, and a shoe cabinet there; if all of these are not aligned into a straight line, then it is called having ”the opposing conflict”. This would cause the owner of the house to suffer illnesses, and the children of the house to have fever. So right after you open your front door, it should be bright and spacious. Also, you should minimise the number of mirrors at home, because mirrors are considered to be “Yin”. The more mirrors you have, the more “Yin” energy you will accumulate. So if you walk into a place full of mirrors, then sorry to say, you will also be full of “Yin” energy. We all know, and those who have watched the movies would understand, that in many movies, there is a person standing here, and another one standing there. As soon as we see it we know that it’s a figure in the mirror, not the actual person. In fact, in the mirror, it is your manifested form, and this manifested form in the mirror is considered to be “Yin”. We all know that, ever since the ancient times, our human body has been divided into “Yin” and “Yang”. We know that the Korean national flag has the symbols for “Yin” and “Yang”. Chinese people also know that the sun has “Yang” energy, and the moon has “Yin” energy. Males are considered “Yang”, and females are considered “Yin”. Therefore on many occasions, “Yin” should not conflict with “Yang”, and “Yang” should not conflict with “Yin”. If a man is full of “Yin” energy, then the way he talks, the attitude that he holds, and even his character, would gradually become feminine. In fact, many transgender people, like those in Thailand, are like this. If you ask me whether they would have good fortune, I have to tell you that these people would not have good fortune. We must remember: men should be like men, and women should be like women. At home, a man should be like a man. You shouldn’t argue with women endlessly over little things, otherwise a man would not be like a man. You argue over the price of oil, salt, gas, and rice, and argue over all other little things, and you keep on arguing and arguing and arguing with your wife. Isn’t that right? As a man you should have will power. You should be masculine, like the strong energy of the sun. When it comes to minor issues, you should be like: “It’s okay, I’m fine with it.” You should feel sorry for the woman who married you. She was young and pretty when she married you, but what have you given her? You haven’t given her anything and she stays with you while she ages and declines. She loves you, she gave birth to your children, and she treats you very well. After a long period of time, when you are old, she will be there for you and take care of you. Think about it. You still scold her, criticise her, or even harm her. Now you tell me, is this a man? Similarly, women should also appreciate men. Because since the ancient times, there is a saying that real men don’t cry. Men take on a tremendous amount of stress. They earn money to feed the family, they work very hard, and it’s very difficult for them. So for many men when they are unhappy at work or very stressed, they don’t say anything when they go home and they keep everything bottled inside. As time goes by, their heart would be overloaded, and they would have problems with their lungs and their liver. This is not good. As a result, men usually die earlier than women. So you can take a look, there are more old ladies than old men. Therefore as Buddhists, we should be considerate and understanding, we should know how to be modest and put others before us, and we should know how to be merciful and compassionate. When you hate someone, do you know how to resolve it? The best method is: you look at this person, and find the part of him that you feel sorry for. For example, you see him as a person with illness, or you see him as a man in poverty, or you see him as someone with family issues. Every family has a complicated story that is hard for others to understand. So I would like you to constantly think about the suffering that other people are experiencing. Think about it. If a wife is constantly yapping at home, trying to pick a fight with her husband, she should think that he comes home with all his worries. Then she can look at his pants, they are old with many holes. He doesn’t dress nicely. His shoes and his socks are just ordinary ones. He is out all day working. When she thinks about it, she would stop fighting with him. Because at this time, her mercy and compassion would arise. Guan Yin Bodhisattva looks at us, and sees that sentient beings are suffering every day. We are suffering every day. Let’s think about it. Mentally, we have mental pains. Physically, we have physical pains. We are suffering pains both mentally and physically. Guan Yin Bodhisattva has mercy and compassion for our suffering. Therefore we should also see the suffering of others and have compassion for them. We should forgive others, and help others. If you are able to help others to cultivate their mind and perform recitations; help others to learn Buddhism and dedicate themselves to Buddhist practice; help others to recite Little Houses, and to recite sutras and mantras; and help your husband, your wife, your children, your relatives, your friends by performing recitations; then in fact, you are learning to become a Bodhisattva. You are saving and crossing over sentient beings. Bodhisattvas feel the pain when sentient beings are suffering. Therefore we should recognise that others have compassion, and that others also have suffering. Many women are very good; they are very merciful and compassionate. They appear to be tough to outsiders, but they are a bit softer at home. The problem with some people is that they are mean and unkind at home, but they treat people outside very well. In fact, these people lack wisdom. As we live in this world, we need to have wisdom. What is wisdom? It is not just being smart. Being smart does not mean you have wisdom. Being smart means taking small advantages of others. Being smart means calculating the pros and cons, and the gains and losses. But for someone who has wisdom, he is definitely smart, but there is more to it. We should learn the wisdom of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. What is wisdom? We obtain wisdom through cultivation, and wisdom is not something that we are born with. I hope that everyone will cultivate mindfully and sincerely. We must work harder and become more dedicated to our Buddhist practice with enthusiasm. Only by doing so can we be worthy of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The talk I just had about Feng-­‐Shui, do you think it was too much or too little? I only talked about two points; that’s not enough. Alright then, I will talk a bit more. You know, some people are not wise. It is a habit of many Chinese people to keep everything and bring everything home. For example, the doormat is designed to be placed outside. Some people are afraid that other people would come and step on their doormat, so they place the doormat inside the house. As the door closes, the doormat is inside. In fact, this would bring serious misfortune. It is equivalent to bringing in all the germs and dirty things into your home. You should never do that. Another point is: as you open the door, your bedroom should not face the bathroom, or face the kitchen. In fact, “Yin” and “Yang” also exist in your house. For example, the kitchen has the element of fire. So if you are female, if you are full of “Yin” energy and you are constantly ill, then if you spend a long time in the kitchen, your physical condition would actually improve. On the other hand, if you are full of “Yin” energy and you are in the bathroom all day, washing this and cleaning that, then the more you are in contact with water, the more “Yin” energy you would accumulate. So you have to remember that you must be careful. In fact, there are “Yin” and “Yang” parts on our face. Can you see that our face has “Yin” parts and “Yang” parts? Think about it. Your nose, is it a “Yin” or a “Yang” part? It is a “Yang” part. What about your mouth? Is it “Yin”? Every day, you use your mouth to talk. How can it be “Yin”? What about your eyes? Some people say they can be cold and make others tremble. Then what about your ears? You can’t see them, but they take in everything that you say and you would have the intention to take revenge. They are considered to be “Yin”. So you should expose your “Yang” parts, and hide your “Yin” parts. Hence when you listen to something, you should filter out inappropriate contents as they have the “Yin” property. When you speak nicely of others, you are performing the giving of positive speech, which is considered to be “Yang”. Therefore I hope everyone will speak nicely of others every day, and refrain from speaking negatively behind people’s backs. I hope everyone will listen to the positive speech of others, and not listen to the inappropriate speech of others. This is indeed the harmony of “Yin” and “Yang”. Later on, I will prove something extraordinary to you. All of you whose numbers are called, I will tell you on the spot about the physical problems you have. All of you can witness it. In fact, I have a lot of material to tell you all. You should know that when you drive, you are very likely to get into an argument. Why is that? Because there may be foreign spirits in your car. The more you think about it, the angrier you become. Sometimes there may be foreign spirits in your home. These foreign spirits could make noises in your kitchen. They could cause the fridge in your kitchen to emit all kinds of noises. Your bathroom could also have noises. In addition, why do foreign spirits like to stay on the roof? This is because they would be able to escape quickly. They are afraid of people. When you recite in the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, they will leave. However, we should feel sorry for these foreign spirits. Why is that? It is because these foreign spirits could be your deceased relatives, including your grandfather, grandmother, father, or mother; or your relatives and friends from your past lives. Therefore we should treat them well and we should not hate them or force them to leave. Many people from temples like to perform Dharma Services to force those spirits to leave, or some people who practise Taoism would perform burning ceremonies. They are using their methods, but I am not here to say whether those methods are good or bad. For those of you who are following Master Lu’s teachings, and the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, we can use Little Houses to transfer merits to those spirits. So that they can leave and proceed to a better place, so that they are able to be reborn. I really miss and think about all of you. This time I have come to Malaysia, I see that many people are crying. I feel very sorry because as soon as I see you cry, inside my heart, I want to cry as well. But I can’t cry too much. Because if I cry too much, the spiritual beings from the above would feel sorry and distressed for me. As a result, if later in the future I accidentally leave too soon, then all of you would be in trouble. Therefore I don’t want to leave too early. In fact, my place in heaven is very, very beautiful. The number of people who have already seen my place in heaven is countless. They all know that it is very, very beautiful. But please remember: the suffering that sentient beings are experiencing is the suffering that I am experiencing. When I see you suffering from illness, I feel as if I am suffering your illness. Do you know how I used to perform Totem Enquires in the past? If you asked me to perform Totem Enquiry, I would take your body and place it inside my body. After you have entered my body, if I feel discomfort in my heart, then I would know that you have discomfort in your heart. This method was used at the very beginning. Every time I would have sweat all over my face, and after I performed the Totem Enquiry, I would feel very weak. At that time, I already knew that sentient beings are suffering. So I prayed to Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I made my Grand Vow to Guan Yin Bodhisattva that I will definitely cultivate my mind; I will save and cross over sentient beings; I will learn from you, Guan Yin Bodhisattva; and I will make everyone in the entire world recite sutras and mantras. Now in Australia there are many westerners. Look at our Prime Minister of Australia. Our former Prime Minister. His Mandarin is very fluent. Even one of our Chinese leaders said that out of all the Chairmen, Prime Ministers and Presidents in the world, only two can speak Mandarin. One is in China, and the other is in Australia: Kevin Rudd. Sometimes I can be playful, and I often want to find out: Ah! How come he can speak Chinese so fluently? How come he is so interested in Chinese culture? Could he be Chinese in his previous life? Ah, let me enquire his Totem. In the end, after I did it, do you know what Kevin Rudd’s past life was? He was Chinese. Sometimes you ask me: “Is this person good? Is that person good?” In fact, I can see the truth but I can’t tell you. Because a lot of things, if I tell you about it, you would be in trouble. This is also the reason why I don’t agree with the way some hospitals handle things. As soon as they find out that some patients have been diagnosed with cancer, they would clearly say: “You have cancer, and you only have 6 months left.” In fact, this is very bad. If a person collapses mentally, then his will power would collapse and his consciousness would collapse, and as a result, he would soon pass away. In fact, we rely on our consciousness to live our lives. This is why I am now here to help you all, and to save and cross over your consciousness. I hope that you can all enhance your consciousness. How do you enhance your consciousness? You should learn how to live. You need to keep three key points in mind: Performing Life liberation, making Great Vows, and performing recitations. These three Dharma Gems, I hope you will keep them in mind and remember them for the rest of your life, because they can save your lives. In the past I have helped many people by performing Totem Enquiries regarding deceased people. So I was enquiring a Totem of a deceased person. A caller to my radio program, “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics”, told me that she gave the wrong information about the deceased person. She was asking me to perform a Totem Enquiry, but in fact, I have told her in the past that this person had already been reborn. As a result, I enquired for a long time but couldn’t find the Totem in the spiritual realms. I was becoming very impatient. In the end, she said: ”Ah! Sorry, sorry, Master Lu, my mistake.” In fact, when I perform Totem Enquiries, I am very definite, and this example can prove that what I see is true and accurate. I saw previously that the deceased person has been reborn into the human realm. When the caller phoned in, she asked me to perform Totem Enquiry again for this person. In the end, I couldn’t find the person in heaven or in the underworld because she has already been reborn as a human and is no longer in the spiritual realms. Would you like to hear this one-­‐minute recording? Alright, let’s play it. Hello? Hello, Master Lu! Hi. Hi. I would like to enquire about a deceased person. Last time I asked you, you said that she was in the Asura realm. I have performed the transferring of merits to her by burning another 9 Little Houses. Would you please take a look and see if she has proceeded to a higher realm? Last name is Gong, and the first name is Mei Lang. “Mei” as in “beautiful” in Chinese. “Lang” as in the Chinese character for husband? Yes. Gong Mei Lang, where did I say she was last time? You said she was in the Asura realm. Ah. Where did she go? It’s been a long time. She passed away a long time ago. I’m enquiring now. The name you gave me, is it all correct? Yes, definitely correct. Oh, no, last time you said that she has been reborn as a human. Oh yes, that’s right. See? Do you see? Oh yes, yes, she has been reborn as a human. Doesn’t this prove that I have powerful abilities? Yes, yes, it’s my grandpa who is in the Asura realm, yes yes yes. See? Yes, yes. When you said that you couldn’t find her, then I was thinking… Because one is my grandpa, and one is my grandma. You see? How can I not know? I knew it already. Let me tell you. If the way I speak is like… When you say that your grandma is in the Asura realm, I would simply say that she is there. Do you understand? She has been reborn as a human, and therefore I can’t see her in the spiritual realms. Do you understand? I thought you were testing me! No, no, no, of course not. I just remembered. So this proves that, let me tell you, you cannot disbelieve it. This recording today should be played to many people. Do you understand? I’m sweating from performing this Totem Enquiry. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t find the Totem! I even asked if you gave me the correct name. Yes yes yes yes. Right? Yes, yes, because later on I remembered, my grandpa passed away as well. This is so true. I admire you so much that I want to make full prostrations to you. Goodbye. Bye bye. This time you are more self-­‐aware. I haven’t said anything, and you gave a round of applause. When you cultivate your mind, in fact, you are going against the current. Why is that? Everyone is going out playing, eating, drinking, and having fun outside. But as a person who is cultivating your mind, you don’t go out. You sincerely perform recitations at home. You are therefore going against the current, and this is difficult. But you have to remember, when you reach the upstream, you will have gained much more than other people. As Buddhist cultivators, we should have determination, persistence, and diligence. When you perform good deeds, even though your good fortune may not have arrived yet, you are already staying away from calamities and disasters. Just do it gradually, don’t rush it. If you are performing wrongdoings, committing misconducts, even if disasters haven’t come, your good fortune has already decayed. The principles are the same. We must perform good deeds and accumulate virtues, and stay away from misconducts and wrongdoings. It is a rare opportunity for us to come to Malaysia. The plane ride alone was almost 10 hours. My legs are swollen from sitting. But it doesn’t matter. I have all of you in my heart, and I have all the sentient beings in my heart. It doesn’t matter how far the distance is, I would still come here to see all of you. After today, all of you have seen me. Next time, there would definitely be people who would like to invite me again. Lastly, I would like to say some words to encourage all of us. I would like to tell you that, as we live in this world, we should be happy and blissful. Many of us are living in different countries, in different locations. In fact, many of us are living unhappily. I am helping all of you to search for a truth. What is this truth? In Buddhism, it is called “awakening”. What is awakening? What does it mean to be awakened or not? Ever since the ancient times, how many people have talked about awakening? They talk about awakening, letting go, etc. Many people don’t really know or understand the concept, even though they talk a lot about awakening. Similarly, some people are very enthusiastic about performing incense offerings. They rush into temples with their incense and pray: “Oh Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please protect and bless me, please, please.” But they don’t even know they should state their names. According to the teachings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, when you make incense offerings and make prostrations, you need to state your full name. For example, today you visit a temple to pay respects; you can say the following: “I sincerely ask the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to protect and bless me, , so that I have good health, or safety and harmony at home. Today, I, , come to to make prostrations and offerings.” You should state your full name, including your middle name. If you don’t state your name, it is like you have been talking on the phone for a long time, and you have not even provided Bodhisattvas with the correct information. Also, many people make incense offerings and burn incense with all kinds of postures and rituals. In fact, you don’t need to perform a lot of procedures when you make offerings. There are 84,000 Dharma Doors. Each Dharma Door has different variations. In fact, all the Dharma Doors are providing us with the same teachings. We are using our sincere mind to make incense offerings. We are using our sincere mind to perform recitations and make prostrations. We must remember: our mind is of the most importance. Therefore Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are telling us to cultivate our mind. So how do you obtain awakening? Buddhism in plain terms: what is awakening? When you have a full understanding, when you have fully thought it through, you are awakened. We live our entire lives and we haven’t been able to understand it clearly or understand it thoroughly. When you lie in bed, about to pass away, you still don’t understand anything. You cry and feel sad. The one who doesn’t want to leave, leaves in the end. The one who is sad about leaving, leaves with sorrow. When you pass away, you can’t take your house or your money with you. You can’t take away anything. What can you take away with you? You don’t know anything. You don’t know where you are going. It is as Confucius said: “If you do not know the beginning of lives, neither will you have the knowledge to understand the meaning of death.” You don’t even know how and why you were born. You live your entire life without any clear understandings. When you pass away, you just leave quickly. I feel very sorry for these people. What is left behind? Rich people leave behind money for their children to go to court and fight each other. People without money leave behind pain and suffering. Therefore, I would like to tell all of you: don’t leave behind anything. We should let go of everything. We should let go of all of our attachments. Then we can empty our mind. Only when we have emptied our body, then we can have room for good things. Today, I have brought you a wonderful Dharma Door from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. You should cultivate your mind so your mind can be pure. Empty out your mind. Discard all your afflictions. Then you can invite Guan Yin Bodhisattva into your heart, and into your mind. Then, tell me, would you still have anything that you are not able to conquer? That is it for today. I would like to have some final words with you. First of all, Master Lu truly loves you all. On behalf of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I love you all. I hope every one of you will be well. This time you have made a positive karmic connection with Master Lu. Let me tell you, all the Bodhisattvas in the spiritual realms will know. I hope you will all mindfully and sincerely become one of the thousand hands and one of the thousand eyes of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. We will save and cross over sentient beings. We can then make the world a safer place. Otherwise, we would experience too many calamities and disasters. Master Lu loves you all very much. I hope you will be well, so that Master Lu won’t feel distressed. If every day you are not well, then every day Master Lu will feel distressed. Bodhisattvas feel the pain when sentient beings are suffering. Therefore, Master Lu once again implores all of you: perform recitations mindfully and sincerely, learn Buddhism mindfully and sincerely. Everyone, please repeat after Master Lu and say the following, “Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, saviour of suffering and disasters.” Okay, let’s say it together. Ready, go: Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, saviour of suffering and disasters. Thank you, everyone. Master Lu is always with you. As long as Master Lu is alive, I will save you all. I will make every single person in this world perform recitations. I hope that you can all help Master Lu. Master Lu loves you all. We all love you, Master Lu! Next year, 1st May, everyone come to Hong Kong to see Master Lu. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Master Lu! I will sincerely ask Guan Yin Bodhisattva to visit every single home. Guan Yin Bodhisattva already told me that in the Age of Dharma Decline, we all have a temple in our home. Every day we perform recitations, and every day Guan Yin Bodhisattva would come and visit us. Thank you, everyone! Thank you, Master Lu! Cultivate mindfully and sincerely. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone! Do you feel warm now? Master Lu just blessed you all. Do you feel it? Now no-­‐one here will feel pain. All of you will have good health. Let’s use our warmest round of applause to express our gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and to express our gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Master Lu Jun Hong! This concludes our International Buddhist Conference with Master Lu. We wish everyone to be full of Dharma Bliss. Should you have any questions, please enquire at our information desks. Once again, thank you everyone. We wish that all of us will be full of Dharma Bliss, be enthusiastically dedicated to learning and practising Buddhism.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 14:48:21 +0000

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