Diabetes Lal Kitab upaya along with medication have shown - TopicsExpress


Diabetes Lal Kitab upaya along with medication have shown excellent results in cases of Diabetes. Of course Upaya can not be a substitute of medicine but they have proved to be catalysts in making the medicine work faster and effectively. In the astrology classics the disease has been classified as ‘vasti rog’ or ‘mootrashaya rog’ and has been referred to as ‘madhumeh’ or ‘prameh’. . The following placements can cause diabetes. I have added to the list other combinations, to be causing diabetes. [ 1 ] Moon in signs of Jupiter { dhanu & meen} and under the aspect of Sun [ [ 2 ] Saturn + Sun + Venus in the 5th house [ [ 3 ] Sun in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th [ [ 4 ] Mars in the 10th either conjunct or aspected by Saturn [ [ 5 ] Mars in the 6th and the 6th lord with paap grah [ 6 ] 8th house under the aspect of Mars : Combinations which I found causing diabetes [ 7 ] Sun with either venus or Saturn in the 5th house [ 8 ] Mars + Saturn in the 10th house [ 9 ] 6th house and/or the 6th lord, 4th house and/or 4th lord under the aspect of paapi grah [ 10 ] Influence of paapi grah on jal rasi in the 5th house [ 11] association of Virgo with the 4th or the 6th house [ 12 ] manda { malefic } Jupiter in the 6th house [ 13 ] Moon + Ketu in the 5th house [ 14 ] Ketu in the 4th house
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:34:00 +0000

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