Dialogue without truth is pointless. Explanation: Communism, - TopicsExpress


Dialogue without truth is pointless. Explanation: Communism, socialism, and liberalism failed to win over the majority of people to its side through ideological argument. To bypass this obstacle, the left invented a new psychological weapon: dialogue. In his masterful work Unperceived Ideological Transshipment and Dialogue, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira demonstrates how the leftist practice of dialogue, far from an innocent conversation between two adversaries, is a complex maneuver of psychological warfare to convince conservatives to accept bad ideas. Rather than confront one another in an open and honest debate, proponents of dialogue exclusivity seek to avoid confrontation and progressively weaken their opposition to liberalism in the souls of their opponents—without their perceiving it. When this process is successful, the person or group targeted by dialogue will find themselves transshipped from a position of opposition to leftist ideas to one of non-resistance or surrender. Most people understand dialogue to mean something akin to its dictionary definition: a conversation between two or more persons. But the left has stretched the meaning far beyond its legitimate definition. It has become a catchall. Like tolerance, diversity, and love, it is a talismanic word treated by the left as possessing magical powers sufficient to solve every conflict. Even well-intentioned people use it while not understanding its real meaning. Dialogue resists definition and its power lies in the emotion it excites. The mechanisms employed by dialogue include: • Exaggerate points of affinity and de-emphasize irreconcilable doctrinal positions • Attract sympathy for the militants and leaders of the desired ideological movement • Transform this sympathy into cooperation by fighting an enemy common to both • Convince the person that the over-emphasized common principles are more consistent with his new friends than with his former ideology Some means of defending oneself from this liberal stratagem include: • Have the leftist define himself and make explicit his principles and goals • Make sure the leftist defines himself in clear, unambiguous language • Never allow yourself to be taken in by appeals to emotion • Analyze leftist arguments with reason and logic. Deep analysis exorcises the magic power of the talismanic word. TFP Student Action
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:26:47 +0000

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