Diana Benghazi Nottingham 2 mins · BREAKING: Multiple - TopicsExpress


Diana Benghazi Nottingham 2 mins · BREAKING: Multiple Governors Call for the States to Stop Obama Numerous state’s Governors, Attorney Generals, and legislatures have been increasingly standing up in defiance to President Obama’s administration and overreaching federal agencies. States have begun rebelling against the Common Core educational standards and the EPA’s devastating new “anti-coal” rules that will drive up energy costs. They have also been steadily challenging and nullifying Obamacare and federal gun control laws. Several Governors of red states have also been standing up to Obama, invoking Federalism, the Tenth Amendment and state’s rights. And they are increasingly becoming more vocal in their opposition to Obama and the federal government. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal recently addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition, where he railed against Obama’s war on religious freedom and education. (H/T Conservative Angle) “I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States,” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Saturday night, ”where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren.” “I am tired of the left. They say they’re for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them,” he said. “The left is trying to silence us and I’m tired of it, I won’t take it anymore.” “The federal government has no role, no right and no place dictating standards in our local schools across these 50 states of the United States of America,” Jindal said. “Are we witnessing right now the most radically, extremely liberal, ideological president of our entire lifetime right here in the United States of America, or are we witnessing the most incompetent president of the United States of America in the history of our lifetimes? You know, it is a difficult question,” he said. “I’ve thought long and hard about it. Here’s the only answer I’ve come up with, and I’m going to quote Secretary Clinton: ‘What difference does it make?’” Indiana’s Governor Mike Pence is also highly critical of government overreach, and spoke recently about the importance of Federalism, limited government, and a strict adherence to the Constitution. (H/T Breitbart) “I think we have to recognize that to renew our land, it will not be enough for renewed Republican majorities in Washington, D.C., simply to cut government spending,” Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) told the Indianapolis chapter of the Federalist Society last week. “We must demand that renewed Republican leadership… permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government by restoring to the states and to the people those resources and responsibilities that are rightfully theirs under the Constitution of the United States,” he stated. The principles of federalism, which I think were punctuated maybe with an exclamation mark in the Tenth Amendment, were alive and well at the time of our nation’s founding. It’s impossible to read the Constitution of the United States without understanding it as a document of a limited federal government that contemplates that there would be those responsibilities and resources—and those functions of government—many of which would be best administered at the state level. Federalism explains a great deal of American exceptionalism and the extraordinary progress of economic growth and influence of our nation over the past 200 years. I believe that reinvigorating federalism in this country is essential to restoring the fortunes of our nation. Pence holds up the successful reforms he and his predecessor have made in Indiana as a model for other states to follow. “Because of this, we’ll close out the end of this fiscal year with more than $100 million in an annual surplus, $2 billion in reserves, and a AAA bond rating from all three major credit rating [agencies] in the United States of America.” He also discussed how he has resisted expanding Medicaid, but has instead negotiated with HHS to put that money in a program that helps fund Health Savings Accounts for Indianans. I truly believe consumer-driven healthcare is the future of healthcare in this country. There are really only two futures ahead of us in healthcare: government-driven healthcare and consumer-driven healthcare… We’re going to create what we call POWER Accounts—most people know them as health savings accounts—where people make a contribution and take greater ownership of their own health choices. They have incentives to participate in preventive medicine and wellness. They move from emergency room care to primary care. There are other Governors standing up against Obama and the federal government too, like Texas’ Rick Perry, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, South Carolina’s Nikki Haley, and Arizona’s Jan Brewer, to name just a few. Of course this rebellion on the part of red state Governors has not gone unnoticed by Obama, who has even threatened some Governors to stop resisting the expansion of the federal government into state’s affairs. Hopefully, more Governors will follow the examples set by these courageous few, and continue to stand strong against the Obama administration, pushing back the federal government and reclaiming their state’s sovereignty. capitalisminstitute.org/governors-against-obama/
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 01:53:48 +0000

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