Diane here - 2 Memorial Services this week reminded me of what I - TopicsExpress


Diane here - 2 Memorial Services this week reminded me of what I had written a few years ago concerning another friend who went home to be with the Lord - we all need to remember this each and every day HOLD YOUR MARRIAGE PRECIOUS Most of the time, it is Ron who sends out words of encouragement & exhortation, but today it is me, Diane. My heart is overflowing with a desire to implant into each one of you to HOLD YOUR MARRIAGE PRECIOUS. I wrote this a few years ago when we said good-bye to a friend who went home to be with the Lord. A friend who was our age, a young woman who should have had many more years of earthly life ahead of her. A friend who was married for 23 years, who should have and would have, celebrated a golden 50th year anniversary easily. She was a friend who was an example of HOLDING YOUR MARRIAGE PRECIOUS. Her & her husband were best of friends. The world would say they were soul mates but a better term was that they were truly ONE. ONE in Christ & ONE in each other. Their world literally revolved around each other. Their marriage was filled with not only LOVE & RESPECT & HONOR for each other, but it was filled with JOY. They laughed and played together enthusiastically & they worked on projects together with equal enthusiasm & excitement. Yes, their marriage seemed perfect, but we who have been married know that there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Perfect implies that there is no work involved. That there are no sacrifices to be made. That everything is just wonderful from the get go. Well, we who have been married a long time know that it does take work, hard work sometimes. It does take diligence and effort and sacrifices. It takes a commitment to HOLD YOUR MARRIAGE PRECIOUS. It takes going the extra mile for the other person especially when you would rather sit down & let them do the walking instead. It does mean taking the low end for the sake of peace in the home. If my friend where here writing you herself, she would tell you not to waste a single minute fighting and being angry with your spouse. You never know when the book will close on that chapter of your life. When suddenly you have no time to live and love anymore. If that moment was right now, could you say that you have filled your marriage to capacity with love. That peace was the mainstay of your home. Or would you have regrets, those things that you knew you shouldn’t say or do, but you did anyway. We who are spiritual know that we have an enemy who is against our marriage. One who is out to steal, kill and destroy our marriage. We also have the world which is against our marriage. Those who would encourage us to take the easy road out. We also have our own flesh as an enemy against our marriage. Does selfishness rise up and insists on its own way or does SELF LESS NESS rush in instead and rule the day? As for me, I am making a new commitment to Ron & to my marriage before God. A commitment to HOLD MY MARRIAGE PRECIOUS. To not take it for granted. To not label it as unimportant in the scheme of life. To not put off until tomorrow, those things that I need to do today, to make it the best that I can make it. My friend fought with every fiber of her being to live. That is the same way she lived out her married life. I, too, will follow her example and with every fiber of my being I commit to HOLD MY MARRIAGE PRECIOUS in the sight of God and in my sight also.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 19:26:12 +0000

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