Diary entry 23rd January 2015. 105 days have passed since we - TopicsExpress


Diary entry 23rd January 2015. 105 days have passed since we were forced to comply with a Supreme Court order to leave our land. The “transition period” has not finished yet. I wonder when it will end. Each night is the same. Broken sleep, sometimes an hour at a time, then wake for an hour at a time, if I am lucky. Mostly though, 10 to 20 minutes sleep, get up for between half an hour or so, then back to bed to try again. Night after night, it is the same unrelenting.. When I sleep, I am thinking of the fences how are they now? Have they been maintained from the roo’s and other animals? I wonder about the stretches of Mulga on a couple of boundary fences that would have caused damage, they should be checked and repaired – we know there have been storms. I am wondering about the buildings now. Have the windows and doors been kept closed when the wind howls across the flats, are they still as clean as they were when we were forced to leave by sneaky deceptive means, on the 10th of the 10th at 10.00 am 2014 – “International Year of the Family Farmer”? Are the buildings, the Homestead, Granny Flat and the Managers Quarters fallen into disrepair from no regular maintenance, doors banging off hinges? Photos taken clearly show the Homestead door left wide open after we had been forced off, it will bang off its hinges if not closed due to the wind...but I am not there to close it now. When I reach out in my dreams, I cannot close it. I cannot reach it. I am stuck at the end of the rose garden, and I am unable to pass through them. Has the shearers quarters doors been checked? They have to be checked every second day. We were just starting to repair that building, for extra guests to the beautiful “Mt Morris” Station. Power was now there reconnected. The first few rooms had been scrubbed down for loose paint, and working our way along...but, we had to stop. If the doors on that old building are not checked, the roo’s and wallaroo’s get in there, the wind blows the doors shut, and they starve to death, or die from no water...who is checking the doors every second day? I know the roses are there, yet, I cannot smell them, or see the roses now in my dreams at night. Now my vivid memory is being taken from me, just like our land, our home, our work. The walls were washed, no doubt all covered in dust now. It is a big job maintaining those sorts of things by themselves, without the paddock work. I am wondering if the bores have been regularly stated now to keep the turkey’s nests from drying out, are the pipe lines kept clear to the troughs so water flow is still secure? The recent floods will have brought much debris down the river and annabranches – were the floating fences checked to make sure they rose and fell as they are designed to do, or were they not meaning fencing damage through neglect? Was the debris cleared off the weir in the lovely Langlo river as we have always done, and the fencing across it rolled back, or was it left and washed away? Our own youtube channel clearly shows this is what we did, and when we did it from family photographs. The wild dog control is of concern, it does not take long for them to invade when proven management is disrupted especially using so many methods as we did...and then, how many endangered species have been killed through negligence? We had no choice, we had to leave. We passed the information on to the appropriate authorities of action management plans...but did anyone now “in control” care about our sustainable management? The few remaining cattle on the property from the last muster, agistment livestock, have they been given back to the rightful owner...the “people” in charge of our home know they are there, but have they done anything with them...then, I wake again from the nightmare. Day after day, as I start wake, in my mind, I need to go and check the dogs waters, and the other animals. In my drowsy state, I am thinking of starting the pump to fill the house tank and making sure I have the extra fuel and oil on the ute to take to the river. Then, I wake fully. None of what haunts me at night time and in the early stages of waking is relevant any more. Another day is added to the displacement, and with that a new torture begins. A torture that attacks the very soul of any displaced family off the land. The news of more in financial stress, but now, it is small business’s off the land. It is Dads’ and Mum’s with their 2.5 children...displacement from their homes. The public need to be told the truth about the ANZ moratorium and what it means. Quite simply, it meant nothing, not one meaningful thing. The ANZ like many other financiers are in damage control. It was a simple PR excercise. Charlie Phillott is not out of the wolves clutches by a long shot. He is still in full blown receivership - the entire district knows this. And ANZ - just waiting for people to fall for their smoke and mirrors PR stunt. Australians please, do not fall for this rubbish, it is designed at the larger populated areas, so that you will not hear the real facts of what is happening. It is misleading to imply that Charlie and his station is not still in financial distress and vulnerable, they are. Nothing has changed for all the Charlies caught up in this nightmare. I know, I am talking to people every day... The “A history of Mount Morris Station Charleville Queensland” facebook site has taken a very different turn to what once was, sharing life on our home, “Mt Morris” Station, and sharing the richness of this Australian Station with fellow Australians. This facebook site, has become two very important things. It has become a refuge for distressed, tormented and displaced people from all walks of life, from right across Australia. The common denominator? Predatory Banking Practices. The stories are that of unbelievable nightmares, but they are in truth reality. A reality that is the elephant in the room, and no MP wants to address, why? The outright cruelty perpetrated on just every day, blue collar workers of Australia is unforgivable and unrelenting upon them and the numbers ARE growing. The second morphing of this tiny little site, is one to hold encouragement, hope, and support. Here one can easily scroll down the pages and read support from those all over Australia and indeed the world as they read this site. Our city cousins are reading. The media is reading. Our displaced, abused, stressed, forlorn people are reading – they are looking for hope. The one thing that financiers, and elected representatives from local govt up forget is so obvious that their “arrogance” on this tiny detail is going to be their undoing. That is the more farmers whom are displaced, the more small business who are shut down, and people with the family home displaced, the more time they have on their hands. Here, here is why this site is growing. People want justice now. They want to know how and where to access help, options and to start to attack those who have done them harm. For others whom need support for their families they private message the site, and the growing team of wonderful Admins support them whatever “we” can possibly do, or find out to help others, we do it! Our motto “Leave None Behind” - is to always do our best wherever we can, and to seek help for individuals it WILL be done! So my days now, the evening of day 105 from my home, is typical. Phone call after phone call from families in distress. Listening to their living nightmares, understanding, and crying with them. Then helping them up, onto their feet and saying to them we “Leave none behind” now WALK WITH ME shoulder to shoulder, you are not alone, and together push forward for justice for all that we are able to get justice for! Support each other, be true to yourself, you are no longer alone – and they are not. While the “Mt Morris fighting fund” has been set up to initially help us with our cause (cant elaborate due to legalities of where we are up to now) it is also set up that after our matter is settled one way or the other it continues on to help the next lot of people in a very strong position for justice to set a precedent. Many people know this, and many new people now on the site may not. However, what none of you do know, is that due to the number of people coming forward, well, our family cannot turn our backs on them, especially those who have strong cases as well. So already some of the funds, have been spent to pay for initial meetings to give these farmers a fighting chance, as their cases are strong too. There was a massively reduced rate for this to occur, but what has come out of it is information that was “huge” and that is all I am permitted to say for those people who now have hope. But the push is on to fund raise again. Please help keep this going, purchase wine, have a look at that site for the wine, donate via Paypal, we need funds for legal representation. This is weighing on our family, to be able to help as many as we can, each person who has donated, please know this; You have and are making a difference. You have given people hope. You most certainly are directly responsible for people feeling like they are part of the Australian community, and not “just a dumb farmer” and that their work of producing food and fibre for Australian’s is valued. For the Stuart family, we thank you all so far for what you have achieved. Your strength is permitting us to help others, and of course ourselves with the knowledge of knowing if we can make a difference, it will make a difference for many. If you know of any other families, who may be in hardship, send them to the site, let them PM here, at least let them know there are people who will do their best to help them and some of our Admins are off the land, some have experienced predatory banking “practices” first hand, so “we” really do understand every aspect of these situations, including suicides. Once again, a massive post. Time is a precious resource these days, but please know, I am on and off the site every single day. I watch I read, and the Admins keep me fully informed. I am here to help where I can, while our fight continues. Remember, in your community “Leave none behind” if they are in distress, at least give them an option, to come here, to this community.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:02:36 +0000

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