Diary of a ZULU Virgin-ORIGINAL: Episode 28 so abantu were - TopicsExpress


Diary of a ZULU Virgin-ORIGINAL: Episode 28 so abantu were scattered all around the school mangifika in the morning. mina ke i went to my friends and just when i was approaching the class we sat in during break and in the morning, they all came running to me (not the whole group we party with, just the few girls who were my closest friends)... And they were like aw! Nonhle awusasitsheli me: *laughs* nginitshele ini manje? One of them: ukuthi wena nalo mfana seniya jola? Hawu! So u thought u were gonna keep that away from us for how long? *i gave in a puzzled look because i didnt know or understand what they were talking about... Yes, we kissed! Wonke umuntu ukubonile lokho, but i didnt knw ukuthi ngokumqabula nje lokho sekuchaza ukuthi usengshele ngamqoma. Ay thes e people though  *. So i asked them: ubani onitshele lokho? They replied by telling me that they heard it from the horses mouth. Lmao, which other house cn it be ngaphandle kwa *kissMAKER*  . Hearing that didnt make me angry,pissed or whatever...yes i was confused kodwa i just blushed about it and decided to m0ve with the flow. How easy? Yah, i know we were supposed to be on agreeing terms about this whole thing kodwa none of that seemed to matter to me...and besides, bengingafuni ukuthi kube khona ophoxekayo between the two of us.So ke the day went on as normal and sometime during break he came to check if i was ok. Nawe ke u know how its like makade kwenzeke izinto ezifana nalezi, yourll never be able to keep a simple conversation going on iskhathi eside #awkward_moments. But with us it was different, uthe mayefika nje he offered a hug, asked if i was ok... Saxoxa nje...not about un-important stupit stuff, kodwa we spoke about the crazy scene esiyi shaye izolo, we laughed it off saze sabuzana ukuthi kahle kahle besicabangani vele? I mean out of all spots?? He opened his heart out to me about what had happened and how he felt afterwards and it was driving temptation ukumlalela. He told me that naye he was one of those few people who wished to date me and he has always liked me eversince engazi, but he said he never had the courage to come to me and express himself kimi because who ever he told about the way he feels about me, theyd tell him that he was out of my league and uNonhle only dates abantu abane class/swagg/style or whatever they called it, kodwa basically they said i date abantu depending on their standard of living...yabo abantu aba right njengo nathi and whoever. So yena he got shutoff ngoba he was just a township boy. Whatever he was told ngami wasnt true, ngatmtshela nami ukuthi i dont date people for what they have, but i only go with personality. Those words gave him a relief ngoba they meant someting to him and i indeed concluded ngokuthi i wasnt rating him all this while, i just liked being around him ngoba naye he showed how he enjoys my company. So from laphoke we officially started a relationship. ********************­****************** So it made it very difficult for the two of us in terms of communication, and the worst part of it is that we only started dating just towards the end of the year so uyacabanga nje ukuthi kuzoba njani ngo december ngoba izikole zizovalwa inyanga yonke and by no doupt both of us werent gonna be around that time. So thats how I relationship yami with my new bf was like, yes we had good times together kodwa things never worked out very well fo thina sobabili. The cause of that was distance, gap and lack of communication. Kodwa udali wami yena lo had a very wild personality, it was like he was an angry person...not towards me but thats how. people at School knew him. He was known as a bull...stubborn,hot headed,low tempered guy who foughT a lot with abantu abamjwayela kabi ande uyatrappa yoh. What made us drift futher apart freom each other was that we had started having problems in our relationship The rest of the story about iRelationship yami no *Kissmaker was a bore... Ok! Let me not say bore because I liked him, he liked me and whenever we attended house parties wed just spend most of our time being on each other. Being around him was a bliss because I felt so comfortable manginaye. Too bad our relationship never lasted long enough...it didnt end officially either... We just suddenly became distant, he got close with one of MY friends and whenever we had problems, he never came to mee, but instead, he preferred talking to her about it. Well, thank goodness she was loyal enough to come back to me and tell me exactly what hes been going on about. It hurt me though... Ukuthi umuntu eThandana nami kodwa angakhoni ukukhuluma nami about stuff kodwa ancamele umngan wami... Ill confess and say I felt left out :-( ..... But on the other hand I also had to find someone to talk to, I knew it couldnt be the same chick as the one he spoke with about us...so I hijacked his friend *cYclone... Ok... I never hijacked him ngicela nje ukukhuluma iqiniso... U still remember when I once mentioned ukuthi in our group of friends (the party Animals) bekukhona lo outie obekade engishela loooong before I dated *kissmaker? Yea ke, so apparently him and I were close yaboh! We jst enjoyed sharing looong conversations about abantu bethu. By that time, I was in grade 9 with the rest of my friends, *kissmaker was in grade 10 and *Cyclone was in grade 11 and his girlfriend was in Grade 10 too @ that time. So ke sonke besifunda in the same school. Cyclone and I became very close friends towards the end of the year in such a way that u*Kissmaker and Cyclones girlfriend started feeling insecure and Hated every Second of it. But if you ask me... Ill tell you the truth. And the truth is************************************ Sweety********************************************************************** WE WERE JUST GOOD FRIENDS!!! :-) :v ************************************************************************ And then the year ended... It was time for us to fetch our reports and close for the awesomest time of the year******DECEMBER****** I woke up that morning feeling nervous and kept asking myself and wondering kazi ngiphasile nah, its a very tricky question to be asking yourself wazi kahle ukuthi bowulibele ama house party nokungayi eskolweni ungafundi unakana notshwala namadoda! Ey Its funny ukubona how little we invest in life but expect sOo much more in return. So the only way I was gonna find out was for me to get owwta that bed and get ready for school! So I finally did ngaphuma endlini, went to fetch *Yaya my friend who lived close by, sahamba saya eskolweni. We never wasted much time safika. When we got there we went straight to our form class to fetch our Results. Masfika lapha.....eish!!! Abantu baphuma lapha with a stack of bad news! Ehy, sangena, signed and took our reports without even looking @ them saphumela ngaphandle... I opened mine nd she opened hers.******************************************************************YEEESSssSssS!!!!!! SiPHASILE!!!!!********************************************************** we ran to our other friends. And they were in joy... *Cyclone passed, meaning hes going to matric the following year My female friends passed, meaning we were going to Grade 10 the following year. Intombi ya Cyclone passed, meaning SHE was going to grade 11 the following year. *KissMaker........................................EISH!!!! -_-...................bad news............. He failed, meaning hes staying in Grade 10! Eeeisaan! -_- - - - -to be continued
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:25:25 +0000

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