Diary of a Zulu Girl...............................Chapter 52 I - TopicsExpress


Diary of a Zulu Girl...............................Chapter 52 I don’t know who was more shocked them or me. I immediately tried to cover up but they had already seen everything. I don’t think any of you have ever had a situation where your parents walked in on you with a guy. Its not nice. You try and look for any possible exit but that doesn’t always happen. When that plan fails you try and look as innocent as possible. If that doesn’t work you bring out the water works. The look on their faces was one of utter shock. I think they expected us to say something but I honestly had nothing to say at that moment. I hadn’t done anything nor had he. We fell asleep talking but considering the compromising position we had been caught in I doubt I would have believed me either. My aunt and uncle didn’t say anything but when I got over the shock I immediately started to explain. Fear is a great motivator I tell you. When I finished saying what I had to say my uncle just looked at Benny and asked him if this is true. Benny said yes and added the snide comment that it’s not like he sleeps around. My aunt immediately warned him not to speak like that to his father at which Benny replied “Bite me mum!” Look, maybe I grew up in another time or another world for you do not say that to your parents. I could just see my mother’s reaction had I been the one to say that. She would have murdered me and hung my body at the gate with my bra. Benny then just let his mouth loose! He told his father that it was all his fault that they were in this situation. He asked him how he thought he (Benny) felt knowing his mother had slept in prison on such a heavy charge. It was bad. My aunt tried to intervene and he turned on her too! He asked her how she could be so weak and allow him to do this to her. He told her that it was humiliating that a child like N can bring them to this situation. I simply stood there clutching my gown tightly. Most of the information I had told him last night and he was using it to drive home his point. Not only had I “slept” with their son but also I had caused an even greater rift. Again I was dead centre of yet another problem. He wanted answers from them something which they did not have. Where I come from parents don’t give you answers nor do you demand them. It’s very simple really. Eventually the aunt managed to make everyone calm down allowing me my escape. I wanted to get out of here. I couldn’t go to my place because of the incident yesterday. I wasn’t even sure I still had a home after all this. I had betrayed my aunt and N to a certain extent. I had also betrayed Benny and possibly myself. I had to find a way of fixing what I thought I had broken with all the lies. I called Ayanda and begged her to come pick me up. I knew she was going to Popbottles later today so I would be alone at her place which would give me a chance to think. As usual she was concerned and asked me for the address so she could navigate. I didn’t even shower. I washed my face and put on my clothes from yesterday. I couldn’t help but wonder how my aunt had managed to come out? It was Sunday after all and from what I had heard people who go to jail on a weekend come out on the Monday. How had they pulled this off? You know how you are only family to some people until you have outstayed your welcome. There is always an outsider who rubs in things and make sure that the weakest link is eliminated. Even with my dad’s relatives, my mother has a way of getting rid of them. She is not a bad person but she says that her husband’s relatives are trouble makers so she prefers her own. I told my aunts sister that I was leaving and she gave me that disgusted look and rolled her eyes at me without saying anything. I felt as though the ground would open up and swallow me. What was her problem? I had done nothing wrong. You know when you unwelcome in a place you feel it. I was a scapegoat of my own making I know. Why do people do things and then not expect that people around them will catch the shrapnel. Benny noticed what had just happened but fortunately he did not go off on her as well. We couldn’t exactly go to the bedroom to sit because it was already awkward. I decided to go wait by the gate. Benny came with me and said I shouldn’t worry he will fix this. I had done nothing wrong. I had tears in my eyes. Benny explained that they just needed someone to blame for their mistakes. He asked me if he should confront his parents about what he had heard his mother say about who his father might be or might not me. I told him no because already too much damage had been done. No one would be rational right now. How had my life taken such a turn. Just yesterday I was planning on going to Popbottles and now I was stuck in a situation which had no positive out from where I stood. Anything thing was how would this get back to my dad who was now about to move to JHB. Maybe UKZN was not so much of a bad idea anymore. Eventually Ayanda arrived and we drove off. She mentioned how cute Benny was I think in an attempt to break the ice but I wasn’t interested. I was lost in my own thoughts. It was not even five minutes from the moment we drove off before I got a message on my phone… “I want you out of my flat by tonight” It was from my uncle! ****The end****
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:25:56 +0000

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