Dichotomy - Of Sun and Shadow EXT. CAFE Our view is above - TopicsExpress


Dichotomy - Of Sun and Shadow EXT. CAFE Our view is above and to the right of Brandon’s face as he sits clothed in blue jeans, sandals, no shirt. The legs of a tall woman appear on the sidewalk and stop just behind the unaware Brandon. Brandon’s POV - our view moves up slowly up and to the left. The rays of the sun scatter as the feet of a woman come into view on the sidewalk. The outline of a beautiful woman’s face comes into view, standing in the path of the sun’s light. BRANDON Enterprising Freedom, have a seat... (pause) ...I’ve been waiting for someone like you. A partial smile emerges on her, vacillating between the initial expression that preceded the smile and the subtle fright of a child anticipating something it knows, but has no experience of. She gives another half smile then begins to walk away. BRANDON Without knowing.... ELIZABETH I know you. BRANDON (pretentious) Do you...? Elizabeth turns and drops into the seat with the smile of someone dancing on a string made wide enough to support variance --- disproportional to others. Brandon sits back to allow the sun’s light to strike her face, causing an anticipated, but unknown response then moves subtly across the table with the elbow of his arm that his face falls into, blocking the light of the sun, allowing her to focus on his face. Brandon moves his eyes and expressions to affect her emotional state. Elizabeth is uneasy for a brief moment then becomes entranced by a feeling emerging from within. When she turns her glance away, the feeling begins to fade. She continues to look downward after a few glances upward at Brandon, confused by the feeling as it grows stronger then begins to fade after each downward look. She moves her eyes around like Helena Bonham Carter as Ophelia in Hamlet --- dismayed by the influence of something exterior, invading her consciousness so easily as to have been given consent at some distant juncture of time --- the distant past. Attempting to gain control of herself she begins to stand, only to look down at him again, swallowing as she seems to accept something, looking up at the sky then sitting down. Seconds... minutes... pass as the feeling grows stronger --- downward glances become less frequent. DISSOLVE THROUGH: EXT. CAFE Elizabeth mouth opens a little as she reaches across the table to run her hand up his forearm to his face. ELIZABETH I have to use the restroom. Brandon holds one of her fingers as she begins to move. BRANDON No. She smiles and laughs a little as she leans across the table, placing his face in her hands. ELIZABETH (smiling) I’ll be back.... BRANDON No. ELIZABETH (confused/smiling) Why? (beat) I’m not going to leave you BRANDON Let it run. Stand if it begins to pool. ELIZABETH (dismayed) I’ll be back. She stands, but is stopped by Brandon as he puts his arms around her. Her expressions change drastically as he pulls her to him and across the sidewalk to the curb of the road. Brandon pulls her around to face him, moving his face across hers, pulling back as she gestures to kiss him then moving back inward, his face moving over hers. BRANDON (whispering) Just stand here. (pause) I want to watch the light refract off your legs as it drips. ELIZABETH I can’t do this. Brandon pulls back to look her in the eyes. BRANDON Yes, you can. Brandon pulls away from her and sits, maintaining eye contact. Elizabeth looks around at the passers-by for a moment. BRANDON Stay with me. She turns her attention back to Brandon. BRANDON (smiling) Just let it happen. No one will know. Her heart begins to beat faster as Brandon’s head and fingers sway subtly to some rhythm or flow or stream of thought... consciousness... flowing from him to her. She becomes uncomfortable as he notices the first slow moving trickles of moisture moving down her inner thighs to her knees and calf. She shakes her head a little then begins to move away. Brandon stands and stops her from moving. Placing his face next to hers, he moves downward with his eyes locked on hers. With a boyish deceitful smile, he runs his left hand up her legs to her inner thigh and moves up to place his face on hers again after touching her cheek with his moistened fingers. BRANDON (whispering) Give it some time. I want it to cling to our skin as I pull away. (pause) Focus on me, Baby. Brandon places his right hand on her waist then moves it around to her ass, running his index finger down the center of her ass. ELIZABETH (passionate whispering) Stop.... BRANDON I love the breeze between our faces. (pause) Let it flow. Brandon begins to kiss her softly on the neck. ELIZABETH Take me home. BRANDON No... not til it drips off the curb. He holds her tighter as he feels her body begin to shake. BRANDON Feed me with your fingers and kiss me after you put it on your lips, then I’ll take you home. Elizabeth looks confused and frightened. BRANDON In any event, we will be like the full moon streaking across the darkest night. No rising or shooting star could ever compare to us.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:49:32 +0000

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