Dictator Obama Tells Boehner He Will Not Negotiate On Debt - TopicsExpress


Dictator Obama Tells Boehner He Will Not Negotiate On Debt Limit Dave Jolly President Barack Obama expects Republicans to give up everything they stand for and what their constituents demand. He has made no attempt to hide the fact that he is completely unwilling to compromise on the debt limit and spending bill before Congress. If there is any compromising to be done, Republicans are required to do all of it, according to a recent phone call Obama made to House Speaker John Boehner. After the House Republicans passed a spending bill that excluded funding for Obamacare, the president called Boehner. Boehner’s spokesman released a statement about the call, saying: “The president called the speaker this evening to tell him he wouldn’t negotiate with him on the debt limit. Given the long history of using debt limit increases to achieve bipartisan deficit reduction and economic reforms, the speaker was disappointed, but told the president that the two chambers of Congress will chart the path ahead.” “It was a brief call.” Obama stated emphatically that he wants Congress to just extend the debt limit without any restrictions. He wants permission to keep spending out of control to bankrupt the government that is already on the verge of a financial collapse. House Republicans didn’t buy the president’s demand for a blank check spending bill. Not only did they opt not to fund Obamacare, at least for one year, they also opposed Obama’s plans to restrict coal ash pollution, to make all civil servants increase their contributions towards their retirement plans and his demands that Congress approve his many regulations. The measure passed by the House will now go to the Senate where it is expected to go nowhere. If it does manage to go to the Senate floor for a vote, the Democrats still have the majority of the vote and it is virtually certain that the measure will be voted down. If by some miracle the Senate approves the House bill, Obama has promised to veto it because he refuses to negotiate. While Obama stands proud that he will not negotiate with the Republicans, he is already blaming them if the spending bill is not passed and the government shuts down. He says it is their fault because they refuse to compromise, but not his fault for not willing to negotiate with them. These are not the actions of a concerned national leader, rather it’s the actions of a ruthless tyrannical dictator. Congress either does things his way or he blames them for his own self-centered egotism.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:51:02 +0000

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