Did You Ever See New Life / Women Split Asunder Ancient Stone? We - TopicsExpress


Did You Ever See New Life / Women Split Asunder Ancient Stone? We Have! Oh, Yes It Happens Everyday. What Do You Think, Maam? If You Are Being Goverened By Fear, Then You Are Being Goverened By Evil. The Next Time You Get The Chance, VOTE. Why? Why Not. God Does Not Side With Hate, Bigots, and Does Not Suffer Greed. Most, Republicans Put Their-Corporate-Trusts Above, We The People. Few / Some Can Face Their Fears, Invoke Powers, and Survive Whole. What About You, and Yours? The Time Is Near and Your Are Needed. If Peoples Needs Are Met, Watch Out, Worldwide Peace Just Might Break Out. Batters Box: https://youtube/watch?v=-CPCs7vVz6s&list=PL3F6E9B513B48FF1E Want To Win The End Game? Invoke: PEACE! Then Put All People First, Then Watch The Ghouls Fall. God Please Make The Worlds Deserts Bloom; Quenching Peoples Thirsts. Meanwhile Humankind Should Continue Working On Salt Water Desalinization! | NOTE: lockheedmartin/us/mst/features/2013/130322-wanted-clean-drinking-water.html O>================================================================================================
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:18:27 +0000

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