Did any of you read the story about the stenographer who got - TopicsExpress


Did any of you read the story about the stenographer who got dragged off the floor of the House this week? Did you wonder if I had gotten teleported up there and was ranting about the possible EMP? I can understand this poor woman’s frustration, trust me. Everyone said she was a very sweet and gentle soul. With all the absolute craziness that has been going on, it is easy to feel like screaming and shouting – you just wonder if there is anyone with a backbone and a brain running the show. To think they had to shut the government down to get the agreement for income verification? Are you kidding me? With all the fraud we have going on in Social Security Disability, now we were going to just hand insurance out to anyone who “said” they were qualified for it? What in the world….. We had an exciting week at our house – the arrival of Milaney Markham, the sweetest little thing you ever saw (I know, sounding like a grandma!) Molli had been scheduled for a C-section October 22nd, so we were planning on that, and I had run to Myrtle Beach to take care of some repairs on our beach house, spend some time alone praying and studying on a book I’m about to start a teaching on, when I get this text at 7:39 a.m. Tuesday morning, “Mom, it’s time – we’re on our way to the hospital – come now.” Tyler and Molli both had forgotten I was at the beach. You should have seen me – throwing stuff in bags, a hundred trips to the car, washing and changing the sheets, running the sweeper, all at the speed of light, tearing out the door, knowing I was going to miss it but also knowing I was going to be there as soon as it was humanly possible. It’s an eight-hour trip normally, and I made it in six…..yes, had to talk my way out of two speeding tickets, but I harmed no one and wasn’t harmed myself, and by the time I got there, everyone else was ready to leave, so I got some sweet, sweet time alone with the kids. I must admit as I prayed and drove and cried and sped and praised and cried and prayed some more, I thought a lot about this EMP situation. The weekend I left for the beach, Tyler went to Washington, D.C. for a conference, leaving his eight-and-a-half-month pregnant wife at home. What if something had happened and he couldn’t get home, I couldn’t get home, Molli goes into labor and knows she needs a C-section, no car to be able to drive and no way to communicate with anyone? Her parents are close, but if you can’t call them, how do they know what’s up? Does this sound like tribulation to you? The more upset I got about missing Laney’s birth, the more I realized how much I count on things like my vehicle, like my husband being able to be with me whenever I need him, my children and parents and sister being just a second away by phone. Oh, how dependent we are on technology and ourselves – and will this be what God will take from us to return us back to Him? I did a prophecy teaching a few years back, and have been thinking about pulling that back out and updating it – one of the many, many things I learned is that the anti-christ will arise from Europe, not America as we like to think. And another thing is, unless I’m totally missing it (along with tons of other commentaries and scholars), America is not found in the end times prophecies. How in the world can that be? If there’s a third world war, won’t we be at the top of it, possibly the reason for it? We won’t if we have no technology and no way to communicate with the rest of the world. We won’t if we’ve been taken out by a nuke or something. What better way to get rid of America and her influence than by killing our economy and our dependence on all these luxuries we have? If I were a terrorist, that’s exactly where I’d be heading with it. Will we Christians be gone? I sure hope so – but woe to those left behind, even more so if we are gone. I know all Christians aren’t the most generous and loving people (to hear some use as their excuse for not being one) but honestly, if all the Christians are gone, who will share their food, help their neighbor? It will be man out for man, total chaos and rioting like we’ve seen in other catastrophes. If we have no technology, what good does that money in the bank do you? If you can’t drive to work, you have no job, no paycheck. I certainly would be out of work – couldn’t even get a phone call to schedule a job, much less drive to it or produce a transcript. Does that not send you into a little bit of a panic? It does me, honestly, if I dwell on it. People will be killing each other just for food. Think of how crazy all the drug addicts will be… The next few weeks, I will be teaching this class on the book The Harbinger – riveting, scary, hair-stand-up-on-your-neck reading, a series of CLEAR warnings to America to turn back to God or face judgment. I may condense a bit of it for next week, or I’d love to invite you to the movie showing/class Sunday, Oct. 27th and Nov. 3rd. Our church closed on the purchase of the old Around the Farm store this week, and we’re spending today cleaning and trying to get ready to remodel into a church building – very exciting! And just know, the good news is: There is a Savior just waiting to hear you call His name, to invite Him into your life to forgive you and set you free of the weight of sin and judgment, to walk by your side and hold you in times of trouble, to advise you in times of uncertainty, to love you when it feels like no one else does. So thankful….
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:25:03 +0000

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