Did anyone hear of the story or read articles about I.S.I.S. these - TopicsExpress


Did anyone hear of the story or read articles about I.S.I.S. these terrorist groups. Being funded by USA and Israel and only reason they keep attacking certain areas is so that a central bank can be placed in those places, and help them stop any countries inside of africa that wishes to untied to make gold stronger than the us dollar and euro. And did you read anything about the real reason why they needed to Kill Muammar Gaddafi, because he wanted to introduce Gold back into the world trading market. And this is also the real reason why they are mad at China for making this move to bring in Gold! These bullschit wars have nothing to do with acts of terrorism or us the people of the world. They wish for the world to be scared give up more of their rights so fake deal or death can appear they got the bad guy. But the bad guys are governments in debt or being controlled by the owners of central banks that took bailout and corporate welfare... but the only way to learn that is to read and view other news service not controlled by the governments in question. We the people need to believe we are free to do this or that but they have been whiting out your news for years. I am not sure if this was already shared, or if anyone has better feedback for me, to take a look at, please do not be shy about sharing your thoughts and info. I just want to know only, not a pissing contest or anything... But something is fish that a so called group of terrorism that claim to be of this faith or that are waiting to attack Israel. They have to build up to the Chaos is my thinking... then when the time is right they will attack either country and that acting job and order came from the powers that be them Bushes and there core group of homies lol the real looters of the world!. The same people who blew up the towers on 9-11 for world outrage...
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:17:35 +0000

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