Did lawyer AHMEDNASIR provide the Westgate islamist terrorists a - TopicsExpress


Did lawyer AHMEDNASIR provide the Westgate islamist terrorists a reason to Kill Kenyans? *********************************************** The hard news is over. Statistics are everywhere. There are those who are dead; those still hospitalised, those who will die and those who shall never be able to undertake any gainful employment. The dead, when they lived, were citizens of Kenya as well as of the world. In State house archives, it will be recorded that Uhuru Kenyatta, then heading the presidency, called it ‘a philosophy of the cowards’; but on here, on this ‘opposition blog’, dedicated to the analysis of events making news in our country; we are going to look for hard facts, ask ugly questions and demand discomforting answers. A detour to March 17, thirteen days after the march 4th General elections. The country is polarised as never before. To the CORD affiliates, the presidency is stolen; another sad moment of transition. To the Jubilee faction, it is done; ‘accept and move on’. Tyranny of numbers! One part of the nation is sad; the other is happy. Democracy had been tried. But March 17 is also the day Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi penned a very violent article setting pace for the presidency of Uhuru Kenyatta. Now, in Kenya, Ahmednasir is model muslim ‘teacher’. He embodies the best that a muslim can be in a predominantly christian country: Brilliant, powerful, highly placed, and highly respected by peers and the powers that be. In the opinion piece, penned ostensibly to ‘diss’ Raila Odinga and, for whatever reason, in his continuing bootlicking trend, massage the ego of President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ahmednasir did the following: 1. Claimed that the election of Uhuru and Ruto was a ‘powerful slap’ in the face of ‘sponsors of the ICC’. “Their joint victory must be seen as a powerful slap in the face of sponsors of the ICC cases, their local surrogates and the Western powers that invested so much in terms of time and resources on the case” -Ahmednasir 2. Suggested that Kenya should do business with Somalia: “We need to play a more robust role in the reconstruction of Somalia and take advantage of many opportunities that await investors in the country”- Ahmednasir 3. Praised tribalism in Kenya as something that, by and in itself, is not wrong for political purposes. In fact, he even gave examples: “The big tribes, who in essence are the cause of Kenya’s historic ethnic disharmony, have yet again voted along tribal lines. In a way, there is nothing inherently wrong with that. It is a mere expression of the collective will of the tribe to vote in one direction. African-Americans, Latinos and Jews always vote as ethnic groups for democratic presidential candidates in America”-Ahmednasir 4. Like any other anti-western radical fundamentalist, warned Uhuru and Ruto to be wary of the “West”, especially Britain and the European Union. “The new government must reset and recast our relationship with the West, especially members of the European Union. Countries like Britain act as if Kenya is still part of her majesty’s imperial colonial territories,”- Ahmednasir 5. Watch out for threats, not from Al Shaabab and other terrorist groups, but from the West! “They must be alive to the threats and interests of the West in Kenya!” -Ahmednasir I can go on and on with public statements lawyer ahmednasir has often been quoted saying, or writing, especially on western or European nationals living amidst us, like William Pike, or Dr Christian Turner, the British Ambassador to Kenya, for eons. In most of these statements, Ahmednasir has often shown streaks of anti-western, pro-islam stances which, if broadcasted to any jihadist out there, can never fail to arouse a smile. Because we live in Kenya, and because we neighbour Somalia, the world’s most dangerous destination, we must begin to ask ourselves what contributions the ‘intellectual-muslim-somali-kenyan’ has made to a host of challenges, concerns and opportunities, in our country. Days after the election of Uhuru Kenyatta, I was invited for lunch by a white (western) friend of mine; she’s an American. I realised she had stopped visiting a certain joint she had confessed to me earlier she so loved. Dying with curiosity, I enquired. The lady told me categorically that she was thankful the election was over. Not that she cared who lost it, but that the whole campaign had been so anti-western and anti-white people that she realised at certain times; some cafe waitresses in that hotel she had frequented since coming to Kenya four years ago, served her with ‘a new heightened, open disdain’. West Gate terror attack did not just happen on the Sunday the mall was occupied and world nationalities taken hostage or summarily killed. West Gate, from admissions of those who have taken responsibility, took time to plan and execute. Terrorists are not just mindless criminals. Terrorists are not just petty thieves. These are people who fight an ideology, and have proven, time and again, that they are ready to die for it. Did Kenyan politicians, especially top Jubilee politicians, secure a win which emboldened terrorists to attack Kenya? Put simply, Did Uhuru Kenyatta, cheered by a propaganda machine which picked on ‘wazungu’ as the main enemies of kenya’s sovereignty, and, aided by radical islamic intellectuals like lawyer Ahmednasir, put the country on a pedestal that Al shabaab found appetizing to terrorize? What then is sovereignty in a world webbed by social media, optical fibre and cable TV? What is sovereignty in this new global village? The terrorists came to Nairobi using both public and private means, I suppose. As they approached the city, they must have passed through smaller towns where indigenous kenyans existed, even allowed these ‘african kenyans’ to serve them meals. If you wish to argue that all they wanted was to teach “kenya” a lesson; not the ‘evil neo-colonialists’, why then did they not attack those areas? Those little towns? I put forth an argument that the Westgate attack was well planned, whether consciously or subconsciously, by the elites of this country. Uhuru’s statements; Ahmednasir writings, the mainstream media glamorization of two suspects of international crimes, the continued anti-ICC choruses by the Jubilee legislators, whose main underpinning is a constant onslaught on the west (white people) to gain popular support in the form of public sympathy, led to terrorists using Kenya as a launch pad. Let me take you back to that Ahmednasir article on that daily nation edition. You will be shocked to note that this highly educated kenyan never mentioned Al shabaab by name in that long article. In the article, he mentioned the word ‘cabinet secretary for foreign affairs’ over five times; each time framing a person (like he had someone in mind) for the president to pick. Whether by coincidence or design, Amina mohammed, a fellow muslim, was finally chosen by the president. Did Ahmednasir wheeler-deal for her? We may not know. Question is, had Uhuru-Ruto presidential campaign not got pegged on anti-western sentiments. . .had intelligent people like Ahmednasir not constantly used his radical islamism to psyche up those who may be tempted to join religious fundamentalist groups like the Al Shabaab, could we be mourning these many dead? I can argue further, without shame but only with concerns of my little safety, that the rise of the muslim intellectual, the muslim propertied, the muslim civil servant, the muslim media (i hear there is already a TV/radio channel dedicated wholly to broadcasting for the muslims), the muslim policeman (people like former police commissioner ali and defense minister hajji) can only mean one thing to Kenya: an accompanying growth in radical islamism- hopes of a sharia state. I shudder to imagine the future but this far we know of the present: it is violently evolving. Source: kenya-today
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:16:01 +0000

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