Did our WW2 Veterans fight for Britain to be driven by greed and - TopicsExpress


Did our WW2 Veterans fight for Britain to be driven by greed and selfishness ? Socialism means fairness and justice for all sections of society... “SOCIAL”ISM is funded by all sections of Society care of income taxes and NI contributions paid into State coffers when working. Britain needs some socialism following over 30 years of right wing Torysm where income tax cuts have been lavished on top earners, and the rest of us have had to endure means tested handouts. This doesn’t represent a fair spread of wealth, this represents inequality, unfairness, and social injustice, yet it is legal, it is a political system. And “Socialism has been made a dirty word in today’s Britain by the Tory’s and the right wing press. Yet SOCIALISM means caring about “ones” country and our fellow citizens, it is about Society growing up, growing old, becoming ill, or disabled, or unemployed, and in maturing we are caring for people now, and ourselves in our futures, and this is achieved via the State, and the direct taxation, and National Insurance contributions paid by all when working. This is democratic Socialism, looking after each other with no Government discrimination... Ultimately we all rely on pensions, and ultimately we all rely on the NHS unless we are all very lucky, which is becoming more under-funded than ever before””. Yes and I say ultimately we pay for them as well via income taxes and National Insurance contributions when working. It is a simple premise that was thrown out with the bath water when ordinary working class people UK sold their souls to the Thatcherite ideology in 1979, when they brought their council houses and acquired shares in Thatcher’s newly privatised Utilities Benefit fraud costs the Exchequer 1 million a day, while tax avoidance and evasion costs us all £260 million lost revenues per day. The fact of the matter is that the Tory’s and their like minded friends in the right wing press, like to make issues about benefit fraud, other than the rich avoiding paying income tax, because us lesser mortals can relate more to our own class supposedly ripping off the system, and this is how the Tory’s gain power and keep power for the sake of power, by demonising the poor, the old, the disabled. I regard myself as a European democratic Socialist, because I believe in Social Europe, where housing for example in Europe is much cheaper, and State pensions are much higher. Social Europe is also highly democratic with Proportional Representation as its voting system, whereas the UK voting system of “first past the post”, is both antiquated and not democratic. Seeking “fairness and justice” is being a Socialist. Democratic Socialism across the EU ensures much higher and fair income tax based on ability to pay, cheaper housing, much higher State pensions, and the role of the State across Europe plays a greater role in investment and subsidy, than Britain’s highly stigmatized State. Britain’s rich and poor divide is growing faster than anywhere else, and that we are back to 1945 levels. The right wing Tory’s since Thatcher have managed by stealth this past 30 odd years, to remove and/or run down all the Social and economic advances set in place by the 1945-48 Labour Government lead by Clement Attlee, including the NHS, which has been suffering from chronic underfunding since the 80’s based on low income tax, trickle-down economics. With everything happening in our country since the Thatcher era, and 2010 under David Cameron, being a Tory is nothing to be proud of, the abolition of the roll of the State, the demonization of the welfare State and those on welfare, the creation of food banks, and bedroom tax, but being a Socialist is something to be proud of because of the attitude of mind Socialism represents. Right wing Torysm is about the individual over and above society’s needs. Socialism is about societies needs over and above the individual. What’s happening in our country today sums up what happens when people constantly put into power ultra right wing fascist Governments starting with Thatcher, care of a most undemocratic voting system. Margaret Thatcher began this decent from central government funding; onto local taxation; at the same time depriving local authorities from much needed finance. Thatcher began removing the role of the State from peoples lives, and now we are mercilessly reaping what has been sown this past 30 odd years. And people using food banks has no place in a modern 21st century Britain. And what’s worse is that since this coalition was formed in 2010, David Cameron has been using the deficit as a cover to ideologically reduce the State, and everything to do with it. And the BBC media is going along. Please go to these links and sign my petitions on behalf of the elderly people of our country. change.org/en-GB/petitions/the-government-the-department-of-works-and-pensions-increase-britain-s-state-pension-substantially-and-re-link-directly-to-male-average-earnings-or-inflation-whichever-the-higher?share_id=IrReoiHKbW&utm_campaign=share_button_action_box&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition Also please sign this petition on behalf of our elderly people. epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67201 I have a website dedicated to how badly Britains pensioners have been treated since the 80s and Thatcher, the reasons/s why ?, and the desperate need for young people to be made aware and join the 30 year fight for better State pensions for our elderly people. There is also a political section for your views, and a petition on my site that needs signatures, and its on the same issue. My site is free to join, and free to comment on all postings la65.forumotion.co.uk would like you please to join my site and take part in commenting.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:44:47 +0000

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