Did people ever stop to think that we allowed ISIS into Iraq by - TopicsExpress


Did people ever stop to think that we allowed ISIS into Iraq by toppling a regime that had NOTHING TO DO WITH AL-QAEDA (Iraq?) They keep trying to rev us up into this second invasion of Iraq... saying that we have no choice... this advice coming from the neo-conservatives who led us into this crap in the first place. Dick Cheney said this himself in 1994 in an interview about WHY HE WOULDNT INVADE IRAQ. We shouldve heeded his then 1994 warning. This extreme hero worship of the military placing all veterans on a pedestal... whilst our children flunk out of high-school and can barely read news print! The deification is far-out. Im well aware of the importance of a standing military... but we have EXTREME problems ... like CIA torture (using Nazi torture and brainwashing techniques we learned from Germans we gave new identities to in exchange for the knowledge they had... operation paperclip) ... secret prison camps... trading our freedoms to hunt terrorists when the procedures prior to 9/11 were JUST FINE... they just had to know what to do with the information.... 20% of all US aid that was given to Afghanistan has pretty much fallen directly into Taliban hands. We spent way too much into the military... spending a trillion dollars on a fighter jet... when that couldve gone to our infrastructure/education/energy research/etc. This military cult is being placed over our citizenry and as a result weve spent trillions of dollars and its fallen into a pit. What are you to protect when you place all your resources into foreign military aid? We really need to stop with this military cult before it consumes our nation. Did we not learn what happened to the Soviet Union... they had way too much of the military industrial complex... when you have generals making executive decisions for an entire nation... you get the ROMAN EMPIRE. Seriously... history has shown when you place all your resources into the military youre beckoning for endless invasions in endless wars for limited resources and this will inevitably lead to a collapse.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:51:38 +0000

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