Did the Mashyach come in the name of jesus, and the world received - TopicsExpress


Did the Mashyach come in the name of jesus, and the world received it, or did he come in his Father’s name and the world rejected it? Why would the world reject a Hebrew name?Who is this Anointed One who came in his Fathers’ name? What is his name? Is it a Shemetic (Hebrew) Name? Is it a Greek name? Is it a Latin name? Does it matter which form of the Mashyach’s name we choose to use? There are many names promoted today as the name given to the Mashyach at birth. You have such common Hebrew names such as Yahshua, Yahusha, and Yahushua. And then you have the most common of all, a Latin hybrid name called “jesus”. But what is his name? What was the name given by the Ruach haQadash Gabryal to Maryam before the birth of the Mashyach? Why is there so much confusion surrounding the name by which all men must be saved? “Neither is there salvation in any other: For There Is None Other Name Under Heaven Given Among Men Whereby We Must Be Saved.” (Acts 4:12) In the new testament, the name “jesus” appears over 900 times. It is the name the masses have come to know as the name given to the Mashyach at birth. But what was the name that was used when the Messiah walked the face of the earth? Did the Mashyach answer to the name jesus? During this analysis of the “Name of Salvation” we will uncover some startling facts regarding the name of the Mashyach, and expose the truths behind the true name. We will: 1. Uncover the true name of the Mashyach, starting with prophetic writings and then transition to the new testament. 2. Show how the Mashyach, literally, came in the name of his Father, YAHUAH; as well as how he esteemed YAHUAH in all that he did. 3. Examine the name “jesus” in depth. From its roots, through its manifestation as it appears in our scriptures today. 4. Determine if the Mashyach and his name was prophesied in the old testament and if that prophecy complements what the masses call him today. 5. Show via scripture and secular history how the Mashyach’s name was removed from scripture, in an effort to conform to a Hellenistic society. “In All Things, The Father Must be Esteemed” Yet I am your Alahym from the land of Matsraym, and you shall know no mighty one but me: for there is no saviour besides me. (Husha 13:4) I am YAHUAH: that is my name: and my esteem will I not give to another, neither my praise to carved images. (Yashayahu 42:8)
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:13:34 +0000

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