Did you Know: Supplements of probiotics settle in the upper parts - TopicsExpress


Did you Know: Supplements of probiotics settle in the upper parts of the digestive system and generally do not make it all the way down to the bowel? While fermented foods will carry probiotic microbes all the way down to the end of the digestive system. Fermentation predigests the food, making it easy for our digestive systems to handle, that is why fermented foods are easily digested by people with damaged gut. Fermentation releases nutrients from the food, making them more bio-available for the body: for example sauerkraut contains 20 times more bio-available vitamin C than fresh cabbage. You can ferment any food. Fermented foods should always be introduced gradually: they are teaming with probiotic bacteria and live enzymes which may cause a “die-off reaction”. You’ll meet people who will tell you that they “cannot tolerate” fermented foods: the reason is that they suddenly had a good size serving of fermented food and got a serious “die-off reaction” If you are new to fermented foods, you should introduce them gradually, beginning with as little as one teaspoon of sauerkraut with a meal. Observe your reactions for a couple of days before proceeding with another small portion, and increase your dose gradually, as tolerated. Realize that many food preferences develop very early in life, so the sooner you can introduce fermented vegetables to your child, the better.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 13:18:37 +0000

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