Did you Know this :- Every human is assigned ones own special - TopicsExpress


Did you Know this :- Every human is assigned ones own special jinn, also called a qarīn, and if the qarin is evil it could whisper to peoples souls and tell them to submit to evil desires. Jinns or djinns are supernatural creatures who inhabit an unseen world called Djinnestan, another universe beyond the known universe. However, it is now believed and proven that they are not just mythological and make every attempt to be a part of the human lives. Jinn / Djinns are made of a smokeless and scorching fire, but are also physical in nature, being able to interfere physically with humans. The djinn were created before man. While the djinn were made of fire, man was made of clay and angels created of light. Like human beings, the jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free will like humans and unlike angels. They feed on human blood and can poison their victims with a touch. Their poison causes reality-altering hallucinations and can be used either to kill their victims quickly,or to leave victims in a coma-like state while the djinn feeds on their blood over a long period of time. Djinn have a very uncanny ability and are able to read a persons mind to learn their deepest desires; however, the djinns do not truly grant wishes like the genies of lore. Instead, they send their victims into a fantasy universe where they believe their wish has been granted while the djinn can drink their blood slowly over the course of days. Time passes slowly enough in the fantasy universe that the djinns victims will feel as if theyre living an entire lifetime before their physical bodies die. First hand accounts of those who have experienced djinns say, when a djinn accesses their powers, either their eyes and hands glow blue, or their tattoos move and extend down their arms. It is believed a silver knife dipped in a lambs blood can kill a djinn instantly ! The djinn prefer to live in places not inhabited by man, such as deserts and wastelands. Some among them live in the dirty places (dustbins). The djinn live in these dirty places in order to eat the remainders of foods thrown away by people. Also, certain djinn live in cemeteries and ruins. The djinn have the capacity to take many forms and to change appearance. They can take a human or animal, form such as a cow, a scorpion, a snake, a bird, etc. When a djinn takes a human or animal form, it obeys the physical laws of this form; for example, it will be possible to see it or to kill it with a gunshot or to wound it with a knife. For this reason, djinn remain in these forms for only a short time because they are vulnerable. In fact, they benefit from their invisibility to frighten people. The djinn can be either male or female and have the capacity to procreate and can have offspring. Jinns are divided into three classes: those who have wings and fly in the air, those who resemble snakes and dogs, and those who travel about ceaselessly. There are 5 types of Djinns :- MARID (pronounced MAA–rid) Large and imposing, the marid are considered the most powerful tribe of jinn. They are the classic genies of folklore, often portrayed as barrelchested men with booming voices. EFFRIT (pronounced eff–FREET) Intelligent and cunning, the effrit are thought to live in complex societies similar to those of humans. They are said to prefer caves and under ground dwellings. Though ostensibly demonic, they are portrayed as changeable in nature, and capable of becoming pious and good. In the Quran, King Solomon is said to have had power over a tribe of effrit, who performed various tasks for him. GHOUL This tribe of jinn has traveled north and west to become a common English- language term for “undead monster.” Ghouls are thought to be zombie-like jinn who haunt graveyards and prey on human flesh. They are strictly demonic and incapable of goodness. Often portrayed as nocturnal. SILA Talented shape-shifters who are more tolerant of human society than other tribes of jinn, sila are most often portrayed as female. Thought to be extremely intelligent, sila are nonetheless the most rarely seen of all the types of jinn, and appear only sporadically. Sila are extremely rare, and while they are intelligent and comfortable crossing back and forth between realms seen and unseen/human and jinn, by their nature they do not usually set out to harm or trick humans. Sila are, however, fond of meddling in an attempt to help. VETALA The original vampires, vetala are semi-malevolent spirits. They can possess human corpses and prevent them from decaying, and in so doing trick human beings into believing the vetala is an ordinary person. However, vetala can also change shape at will. They are thought to be natural psychics, able to foretell the future and gain insight into the past, as well as read the thoughts of others. Vetala are quite rare. https://youtube/watch?v=3E9h4QCNniU
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:46:26 +0000

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