Did you ask yourself why tax is bad for any muslims to contribute - TopicsExpress


Did you ask yourself why tax is bad for any muslims to contribute on it? Heres what happens when you pay taxes The normal report of where does it goes are in school , medical practices ,education, humanitarian resources , but you did not know its only %68 of the total yearly tax is used on that situation where does the %32 goes? (another side effects which the media dont share to us) When you pay taxes they use it to create weapon barrels and to streighten the millitary forces to create tanks to destroy the muslim people who considered as terrorist but in reality they are just fighting for their rights because they are being oppressed in their own country not allowing them to practice as a muslim and discriminating them in their own soil. When you pay taxes specially when your in america , you are funding the western to create bombs to dropped it on our muslim brother and sister killing them , torturing them , and oppressing them in their own soil When in your israel paying taxes they use it to bomb using missile the muslim people in palestine just to exterminate those people who are called as terrorist but in reality a muslim which is oppressed and just fightback for their rights. Now ask me ? Your a muslimah ,you are living in a peaceful world enjoying everything while you pay taxes to the government and the government uses it to exterminate the muslim state ! Think about it !
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:02:29 +0000

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