Did you ever experience a relationship where you knew something - TopicsExpress


Did you ever experience a relationship where you knew something just wasnt right but you couldnt put your finger on it? One where you knew what you were going through wasnt normal but you were being told constantly it was. Did you ever have a partner who is incapable of showing real emotion unless of course, its about him? What about the end of a relationship? Were you ever just unplugged so that he could plug the new one right into your slot as if you never existed? Do you find yourself slowly disappearing, your interests and talents pushed aside in favor of trying to meet his needs? Do your successes bring out the worst in him? Dr. Vaknin gives an in-depth look into the mind of a narcissist. It doesnt matter that its his own mind he is opening up for viewing. He makes it painfully clear how much alike all narcissists are though they live their lives thinking theyre unique. Through the pages of Malignant Self Love, you will come to know your narcissist intimately, in a way he would never allow on his own. Youll learn why hes the way he is but what is most important, youll learn why he wont ever change. Youll learn that he recreates reality so that talking to him, seeking closure becomes impossible. You never existed so what is there to talk about? You could have been together two years or 20 and it doesnt make a difference to this personality disordered, soul-less creature. The most terrifying thing to learn is how completely normal they look and act, at first. Its easy to fall into their trap and getting out is nearly impossible. A narcissist cant love but hes a great actor. He knows how to suck you in, to pretend to be everything you were looking for. Once he has you, watch out because thats the end of your ride. He is capable of devaluing and discarding you without ever looking back. A narcissist looks at his ex the way you would look at an old pair of sneakers...totally used up and ready for the trash. It can be hurtful to know how he talks about you to others, calls you names and labels you in the most horrible way until you read Dr. Vaknins work. There you will learn how almost every narcissist does the same thing as if they had a manual to go by. You find a slight sense of peace to see how every narcissists ex is crazy, psycho, a lunatic in their eyes. If youre the ex, it is very validating and healing. I think this book should be on everyones list. The knowledge you will gleam from the pages could very well save your life. This was a READER REVIEW of Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited, the BIBLE of NARCISSISM. The NEW print edition of my book (June 2013) is much expanded and completely re-written to reflect the new criteria in the DSM-V. Please use one of these links to purchase the print edition: From Amazon: amazon/Malignant-Self-Love-Narcissism-Sam-Vaknin/dp/8023833847/ From Barnes and Noble: search.barnesandnoble/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?r=1&ISBN=9788023833843 From Narcissus Publications (the publisher) + BONUS PACK: ccnow/cgi-local/cart.cgi?vaksam_MSL Copies SIGNED and DEDICATED by the Author, Sam Vaknin (use only this link!): amazon/gp/product/8023833847/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_myi?m=A2IY3GUWWKHV9B What about the E-BOOK? Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited (FULL TEXT) [Kindle Edition] amazon/Malignant-Self-love-Narcissism-Revisited-FULL-ebook/dp/B00HDJF7HC/ (Amazon USA) amazon.co.uk/Malignant-Self-love-Narcissism-Revisited-FULL-ebook/dp/B00HDJF7HC/ (Amazon UK) The FULL TEXT of Sam Vaknins classic, groundbreaking BIBLE of NARCISSISM and NARCISSISTIC ABUSE, now in its 9th edition. Tips and advice as well as the most complete clinical background. Narcissistic Personality Disorder and its effects on the narcissist, the psychopath and their nearest and dearest - in 100 frequently asked questions and two essays - a total of 680 pages! Updated to reflect the NEW criteria in the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). IMPORTANT NOTE: The Publisher sells the same Kindle edition for twice the price, but it comes with a bonus pack worth $60, including 10 additional e-books. This bonus pack is NOT available from Amazon Kindle: ccnow/cgi-local/cart.cgi?vaksam_MSL-EBOOK Kindle Books about Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Abusive Relationships - click on this link: amazon/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Sam%20Vaknin&search-alias=digital-text&sort=relevancerank (Amazon USA) amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Sam%20Vaknin&search-alias=digital-text&sort=relevancerank (Amazon UK)
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:52:50 +0000

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