Did you ever hear the history of Columbia Dental??? History of - TopicsExpress


Did you ever hear the history of Columbia Dental??? History of Columbia Dental By Dr. Mohammadi, Founder of Columbia Dental I have found a truth that only love changes all things. So today I am a man who likes to return in memory to the day of my childhood. I was a 6 year old with very great tooth pain on a weekend; which means no dentist and no cure. I held my mom’s hand and we went through the neighborhood in my home country and knocked on every dental office door and waited and there was no answer. I tried to dry my tears because I felt something heavy within my mom’s heart that was distressing her. Today as a father, I understand the pain that she bears was a pearl of love. As always, she did not give up and at the end of the day she found a dentist’s house that relieved our pain. On that suffering day I decided to become a dentist 7 days a week that way I would never see a mother, the prototype of all existence, in distress. That day, Columbia Dental was born in my imagination. To achieve my goal, I went to Greece, the land of the root of medicine and philosophy at the ripe age of seventeen. I became a dentist but almost every other week I had the same nightmare about that painful day and my mother’s frustration. Each time, it gave me tremendous pain within my heart and more belief that everything in creation exists within me, and everything in me exists in creation; I’m in borderless touch with the closest things, what is more, distance is not sufficient to separate me from things far away. So, in 1990, I moved to the United States, the land of opportunities by the guidance of my favorite professor in basic Sciences, Anthony Trakatelis (Nobel Prize Nominee). In 1995, I graduated from Dental school at Columbia University in New York and became a dentist again. While becoming a dentist twice in my life, learning two languages, Greek and English, and seeing myself as a stranger in another land was intolerable; I’ve never forgotten my mom’s distress to become free. I am a slave to her because I love her and I promised her that I would dry other mother’s tears. So in 1998, I moved to Connecticut and worked at a dental office. I gave the owner the idea of opening on weekends, but he thought that it would be impossible and that it would be hard to find staff that would be willing to work on weekends. After a while, I opened my office which was 700 square feet with two hard workers, Graciela and Tracey Nelson seven days a week and kept a count of my patients. Believe it or not, since that day I do not experience that nightmare any more. Today, Columbia Dental has ten offices around CT and since 2000 we have treated more than 100,000 patients. The history of Columbia Dental was born when I was a 6 year old child with intolerable tooth pain holding my mother’s loving hand, but I let my soul direct my passion with reason; that my passion may live through its own daily resurrection like a phoenix rise. ----Abbas Mohammadi, D.D.S. Founder of Columbia Dental
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 20:15:53 +0000

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