Did you ever once stop to think, what would have happened if the - TopicsExpress


Did you ever once stop to think, what would have happened if the Prince in shining armor never showed up to rescue the princess from her tower? I have a sneaking suspicion that left alone with only her thoughts and villains to keep her company she might change from that sweet beautiful, angelic girl into a dark, reclusive woman filled with vengeful thoughts and hardened to the world around her. I feel like she would at some point stop waiting around for Ol Charming to show up, She would not need the tower walls for she would have built her own walls around her heart that would never let her be free or let anyone else in to save her. As woman I think we are the outcome of the real life fair tale, the one where no one came to save us and by the time they did show up we cast them away feeling safer with the life we had grown accustomed too. Deep down though we still hold onto that happy ending we where all promised as children with each book we picked up.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:09:25 +0000

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