Did you grow up with a disability? If so and you love to write I - TopicsExpress


Did you grow up with a disability? If so and you love to write I would love to hear your story. Please keep your story between 1-10 double spaced pages in Times New Roman with a font size 12. Please write in your own style and do not worry about what I am looking for, this is your story so share as much or as little as you like. What will I be doing with them? Well I have had a project in mind for over 2 years now and I need your help to make it grow from an idea into a self-published book. The goal is to show that normal people who have disabilities can not only dream but, they can also through a lot of work and determination make their own dream come true. If you want to take part in this min project which I would like to publish by the end of next year around Dec 2014 then please spend some time and write up your story it does not have to be long but, I would like to know how your disability has effect you and what or how you deal with in on a daily bases. Don’t worry about any of the crazy legal stuff at this time we can deal with that later on foe now, if you want to share with me I would simply love to hear your story. Please send your stories to chris.davignon@gmail and please use word and attach them as a .doc or .dox thank you can’t wait to see what you guys send my way. Blessings Chris
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 05:09:02 +0000

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