Did you know? 79% of DNR’s survey respondents opposed sport wolf - TopicsExpress


Did you know? 79% of DNR’s survey respondents opposed sport wolf hunting and trapping. The wolf hunt is not for population control and the killing of wolves in a recreational hunt creates very unstable packs with unpredictable effects. There is no scientific evidence that hunting wolves decreases wolf predations on livestock. Improved data collection and full implementation of the Wolf Management Plan is needed:• establish a database for wolf-related information including all sources of deaths and illnesses• implement Best Management Practices to reduce wolf-livestock conflicts; including non-lethal methods to deter wolves• assess the public’s knowledge and attitudes about wolves• clear understanding of factors that influence a wolf population, including annual census Trapping and snaring are indiscriminate methods that kill nontarget animals. For many Minnesota Native American tribes, the wolf holds a sacred cultural role. We need our Lawmakers help: Please support improved data collection and full implementation of the Wolf Management plan by the MN DNR. Suspend recreational wolf hunting until this is accomplished. Please eliminate the indiscriminate methods of baiting, trapping, and snaring utilized for recreational wolf hunting in MN.S.F. 666 is a bill currently alive in the MN Senate to reinstate a moratorium on wolf hunting. H.F. 1163 is the companion bill in the MN House.For more information please visit Take Action page. - See more at: howlingforwolves.org/QuickTalkingPointsForYourLawmakers#sthash.muyk3PTH.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:01:11 +0000

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