Did you know : The New Apostolic Church South East Africa (NAC - TopicsExpress


Did you know : The New Apostolic Church South East Africa (NAC SEA) stretches over eleven countries in the southern hemisphere. There is a very diverse mix of peoples in the region with many different languages being spoken by the people and in our congregations. The New Apostolic Church South East Africa has been led by District Apostle Patrick Mkhwanazi of South Africa since 29 January 2012. He is supported by 17Apostles and 22 Bishops. The district comprises 370,741 members who are cared for by 10,761 ministers. Only 406 of the 2,227 congregations have church buildings of their own. The other congregations gather in rented facilities, at the homes of members, or in self-made shelters. In some remote areas, divine services are even conducted in the open air. The present district church goes back to the mid fifties of the last century, when southern Africa was divided into three districts on 10 November: District Apostle Jacobus R. Kreunen was commissioned to lead the Transvaal, Oranje Freistaat, Natal, and Eastern Cape Provinces. There has been steady growth under various District Apostles ever since. Perhaps the most prominent growth and expansive activity would be identifiable with its longest serving District Apostle, Johann Kitching Jr. (1988–2012). The following countries and regions are cared for by the New Apostolic Church South East Africa South Africa Swaziland and Lesotho Botswana Mozambique Madagascar Comoros, Mauritius, Mayotte, Réunion, Rodrigues, and the Seychelles Six of the nine provinces of the Republic of South Africa are covered by the New Apostolic Church South East Africa. The three provinces in the south and west of the country are cared for by the Cape district. South Africa has 11 official languages. The work of the Church is somewhat more challenging in the rural areas, because the living conditions are not always satisfactory or perhaps still under development …
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:00:26 +0000

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