Did you know.... facts on spirit people? Spirits around you, want - TopicsExpress


Did you know.... facts on spirit people? Spirits around you, want your attention, and are sometimes mischievous and always curious. They can make sounds that are audible, we hear knocks and taps through the walls in the house and the sound of what can only be described as Army boy marching footsteps, as well as deep cracking noises coming from the window frames. Mikes favourite is calling me from different rooms in the house, and when I get there he moves to the next room. My son will communicate with Michael in this way with one tap for yes and two taps for no. We also hear finger clicks to beats of music. Spirits are also able to move things using their energies as well as ours. Mine can ring the doorbell, play keyboards that are switched off, stop the clocks, set of the smoke alarms, tucks me into bed, swing the lamp shades, turns the radio on and annoys the cats. Spirits have absolutely no sense of time, in their world it’s similar to when we daydream and lose track of time. This is something I am trying desperately with Michael to work around. Spirits can communicate with us in various ways. They can visit us in in dreams, through subliminal thoughts, through automatic writing, via the use of a pendulum, and other, more scientific ways are through white noise and e.v.p. Spirits have a profound sense of smell! They are often attracted to certain scents, my friendly ghost loves my perfumes and his favourite that I wear is Poison. When he first rolled up in the house he smelt of coconuts, which is actually a smell I detest, these days he brings a floral scent. I read somewhere that Spirits are normally more active at night. Some people think that this is due to less electronic disturbance and that they are able to produce more energy when not having to compete with various electric and electronic devices. For me this is not normally the case as Mike will muck about day or night. Spirits can and often do, manifest orbs, streaks of light, mists, dark shadows, shadows within shadows, and blurs within the air are the most common and many of you have told me you have seen these things Full-body apparitions are obviously possible for us all to see. Spirits often retain so many memories, thoughts emotions and pain of their physical life. And most certainly the memories and emotions associated with the time right before their death. Not all ghosts are "trapped." Some choose to stay within the earthly realm. Spirits definitely retain their personalities. Spirits can often be helpful as well as protective of the families they choose to come to. From my work I am aware that Ghosts may actually exist in a state of confusion and not have a clue as to what happened to them, why they are here, why you cannot see or hear them, and they have to be given answers and led towards the light. A ghost tends to change the temperature of a room, making it colder, and rarely, hotter, than it was. Some experts suggest this is a natural reaction to their presence, but Mike tells me he does it to get attention. Even the spirits of animals can "haunt." Our dog Rocky is always in the house, and many times others in the family have heard him sneezing. They can leave us lovely little signs such as my hearts I find dotted around the house. Many of you have also sent me your amazing pictures of your little signs from my guide, such as hearts, feathers or finding his initial M on the rim of your coffee cups as well as on your walls and in your cars.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 09:27:23 +0000

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