Did you know i can explain why you get some aches and pains, and - TopicsExpress


Did you know i can explain why you get some aches and pains, and how i can help your tummy to be firmer and flatter. Grab yourself a free Skype call here to chat to me about what you are worried about in your Post Natal period. babyandmefit.co.uk/freebies/ Or book yourself a Mummy MOT if you would like your tummy muscles checking, your posture assessed and be shown how to get rid of some of your shoulder aches. And the opportunity to have some quality peaceful time in a Reiki session with me. Read more below to find out why your tummy and Pelvic Floor are inter linked. During pregnancy the midline of your abdominals (tummy muscles) naturally stretch in concert with the growth of your baby. Nature is quite brilliant like that! After birth, it takes time for these muscles and other tissues to return to full function and tension and of course your tummy to look closer to what it looked like before your were pregnant. So, you’re going to start a new exercise programme?…..if you’re working with a pro, a passionate, well-educated specialist who knows their onions….they will ALWAYS ASK to check your tummy and question you about your Pelvic Floor and indeed your entire CORE FUNCTION (see picture of your CORE below) You see, your return to a flatter tummy, a non-leaky Pelvic Floor and your overall strength to do your job as a mom relies TOTALLY on this INNER UNIT (core) being restored. This means that your Diaphragm ( breathing muscle), your abdominals, your Pelvic Floor and the muscles that support your spine all need to all be working optimally and together as a UNIT. One man down spells trouble for your better-belly, restoration, continence and strength. When you were pregnant all of these areas eventually weren’t able to work optimally or changed dramatically and some areas experienced trauma during the birth process….think about birthing tears, Episiotomies, C-Section, changes to how you breathed and the postural changes especially at the end of your pregnancy. When you finally return to exercise, your specialist instructor will a) check your tummy to assess not only if you have a gap between the two sides of your ‘six-pack muscles’ – yes they are still there but they will also be checking to feel how soft the tissue in the middle are too. Personally, I would check anyone who said they EVER had a baby as an unreported gap might be part of the puzzle of an enduring poochy tummy or a leaky Pelvic Floor. They will also ask you about your Pelvic Health, any leaky episodes, any problems with pooing, any strange heaviness or noticeable changes in how this area of your body feels and any incidences of back pain. This will help your instructor get an overall picture of how strong your Core is and of your generally Pelvic Health………..BECAUSE………if they don’t and they create a programme that’s wrong for your level of recovery….you could end up with a tummy that doesn’t look great way into your ‘Post Natal’ years, a very leaky Pelvic Floor and backpain! Not good! So please bear with us while we do our job and be PROFESSIONAL. We are completing the circle of care for you that means you get the results you paid for and deserve and information and education that will last you a life-time. PS And rest assure all of this tummy touching and questions about your waterworks will be carried out in private, with empathy and of course be totally confidential. We’ve got your back….help us save yours! PPS On a lighter note, this check is sometimes referred to as a RECTUS CHECK…rest assured this has nothing to do with your number 2 area! It’s often been confused. YIKES!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:33:01 +0000

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