Did you know that IsraHell was invented and its recognition forced - TopicsExpress


Did you know that IsraHell was invented and its recognition forced through the UN by US Zionist Pretend Jews (Like the Rothschilds) and Right Wing Pretend Christians (like the Bush Family) in 1947/48. That movement was led and supported by the Rothschilds; A Family of Usurer Bankers; Non-Arabic, Politically driven Jewish Converts, who do not follow even basic Jewish Teachings? Did you know that Palestine pre-existed the State of IsraHell and was a British Protectorate, called Palestine; prior to it being returned to self rule; prior to the US Zionist Led Thug Invasions and Massacres; prior to .the US shipping in Hundreds of Thousands of so called Jewish Converts from the USA and Eastern Europe. The purpose was to swamp and overrun large parts of Palestine; Stealing Homes and Farms; murdering inhabitants and driving out others (Ethnic Cleansing)? Did you know that a British Parliamentarian - Lord Balfour,arranged (at the request of Lord Rothschild) for Displaced Jews from war torn Europe to develop settlements in Palestine; on the basis that they would not interfere in the normal Governance of Palestine, by the Palestinian People and provided that Jewish People elsewhere were not put at disadvantages by the arrangement? Did you know that the USA funded IsraHell to provoke and make war on Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon and that these countries did not Invade IsraHell, rather IsraHell invaded them; when they knew that these countries would not be able to defend themselves (checkout Miko Peled a Jewish Israelis testimonies)?. Did you know that the USA still funds IsraHells Military Complex and Government.to the tume of Trillions of Dollars? Did you know that Jews are mostly of Tribal Arabic origin, coming from the Middle East Regions where Palestine and Iran are now.That ordinary Jews, Christians, Muslims and other Arabs have lived mostly in peace for most of the 3000 years of their shared Tribal, Cultural and Religious history? That they did this often under ForeignOccupation by Europeans? Did you know that Orthodox Jews and Ultra Orthodox Jews do not believe, or accept, that the State of IsraHell is legitimate and argue that their fundamental religious teachings (it is in the Old Testament of Christian Scriptures also) make it clear that Jews must not seek to establish a State or seek to oppress any Nation of People. Orthodox Jews in israHell want the State of IsraHell disbanded. Did you know that the Rothschilds and many other Eastern European Jews were forced to convert to Judaism because their political leader (King) ordered it. He did so because he had great respect for the trustworthiness of Jewish Traders. Many of these Migrant Jewish Traders had married locally and their wives converted to Judaism and became faithful Jews. Other Converts simply saw the political and monetary benefits of calling themselves Jews. The State of IsraHell is a Zionist State, not a Jewish State, the outcome of collaboration between US Zionist Pretend Jews (like the Rothschilds) US Immigrant Nazis; other Right Wing Pretend Christians and White Racist Supremacist like the KKK members and affiliates(like the Bush Family). We have all been lied to from the beginning on the matters and the Holocaust Survivors who settled in Palestine and were taken over by the IsraHell is Zionists did not benefit from the establishment of the State of IsraHell. In fact many suffered poverty, homelessness and prejudice as the ZioNazis of IsraHell spent the Reparations / Compensation Money from Germany on their Military Growth. IsraHell is a ZioNazi Nation and Culture and operates in accordance with the Rothschild ZioNazi Plan that began when this Usurer Banker family funded Hitlers rise to power, his military complex, the war, benefitting from investments in Banking and Arms Manufacturing on all sides. They have not stopped and IsraHell is now the seed bed of this (and other) evil ZioNazi Families ambitions to economically dominate all Nations of the world. If you are now struggling economically and are seeing your rights and entitlements being reduced, you can look to IsraHell and the ZioNazis of IsraHell,The USA and the UK as the main culprits bringing this struggle about, This is your Wake Up Call folks. It is not a Conspiracy Theory. This is all well recorded and exposed now.Innocent Jews, Christians and even Atheist have been drawn in on this con and the Mainstream Media have been willing participants in that; much of it owned or controlled by ZioNazi Families, running the International Banks and Corporations. Last Wake Up Call !!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:57:51 +0000

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