Did you know that binge EATING is an eating disorder affects - TopicsExpress


Did you know that binge EATING is an eating disorder affects people of all fitness levels? Lots of doctors and nutritionists focus on bulimia or anorexia, but the overeating is what usually gets ignored or lost in the grand scheme of the topic. I dont believe there is an actual cure for this disease, but curbing ones cravings and taking control of the mind is essential. But, if you have ever binged and dont know what to do next in terms of recovery, here are some great steps to do so: 1. Do NOT starve yourself. Fasting after a binge will make you severely hungry which can lead to another episode. When youre hungry again, eat. Get back on track with LEAN protein and veggies. Starving yourself is a form of punishment; dont punish yourself for being human. 2. Forgive yourself. Admit you you made the mistake and move on. One of the ways we can forgive ourselves is by recognizing that we dont binge because we are horrendous people. We binge because we are trying to fill a void or we need something, I like to call it feeling emotionally overloaded or overwhelmed. Harsh criticism and judgment will not make you change. Compassion and regret (not shame- there is a difference) can help with the profession of improvement. By caring for and addressing these needs, we find an a ability to nurture ourselves instead of binge. 3. Emotional Detox. A good book or phone call with a positive person in your life will boost your spirits and helps you move from regret to reconciliation. Think: How can I do this differently next time? 4. Start over. Take a shower, bath, or brush your teeth... Do something that symbolizes a starting fresh. 5. Write your emotions out in journal. Clean house with these thoughts and emotions and get them out. Have a good cry but get these emotions out! And just breathe. Ask for help and support. 6. Get back on track as soon as possible. Its possible to have sugar cravings for the next 3-4 days after, but remain focused. As more time passes, you will retrain your body with sugar. 7. Self-acceptance. Do you offer yourself love and support when youve binged? You do other times, why not during this time. Your unconditional love makes a safe container for your change to evolve. It is essential to do this, without our acceptance, we feel unacceptable, unlovable and thats not okay. 8. Learn. These are fabulous opportunities to learn and grow. Try to identify triggers and tackle them as best as you can. Think of how you can do this differently the next time. Always know youre never alone and you have people who care and want to help. Lean on others for support and love. And be kind and good to yourself.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:29:19 +0000

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