Did you know that breadfruit leaf contains valuable properties in - TopicsExpress


Did you know that breadfruit leaf contains valuable properties in aiding and protecting the kidneys, heart, lungs and liver? Hunggan! Every part of the breadfruit tree is valuable, including the leaves as åmot. The kidneys work 24/7 in removing cellular waste from the blood and lymphatic system. When the kidneys are overburdened, this may lead to a number of health issues such as high blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, difficulty breathing and liver problems. Some of the most obvious signs of kidney dysfunction include but are not limited to: non-hormonal skin problems and eruptions, edema (water-retention), dark bags under the eyes (mild) to very puffy bags under the eyes, lower back pain, pain when urinating and difficulty urinating (the most severe symptom of all). Breadfruit leaves contain diuretic properties, which means that they gently aid the kidneys in elimination of excess sodium (salt) and fluid without depleting the body of essential minerals. In addition, Diuretic herbs and foods are your kidneys best friends, aiding them in function and longevity. Here is a wonderful, time-tested and approved and ancient åmot recipe that will give your kidneys the extra assistance they need to filter and cleanse. Breadfruit Leaf Infusion: Ingredients: - 1 or 2 breadfruit leaves, young to medium-young preferred but may also be older, can be fresh or dry - 5 cups of water Instructions: 1) Chop, cut or shred the breadfruit leaf into smaller strips and place aside 2) Once the water is boiling in a pot, add the breadfruit leaf tea and lower the heat to allow the tea to simmer. Ensure it is not too low, otherwise it will take longer to extract the properties from the leaves. 3) While the tea is simmering, cover the pot to preserve the beneficial properties of the tea. 4) The tea is done when the water has turned a thick green color (if leaves are picked fresh) and the leaves look soft. Also, the water will be reduced to less than half the initial amount. The end result would be 1-2 cups of tea. This may take 30 minutes. Note: If you dont have time to boil the tea for this long, you may also allow the tea to steep for no less than 4 hours. It may steep in its pot, covered, or you may pour all the contents of the pot into Mason or canning jars and allow to sit for several hours until ready to drink it. This tea will stay good at room temperature for no more than 24 hours and can also be refrigerated to use within 3 days. 5) Enjoy! Drink throughout the day or enjoy a glass before you sleep, which is the best time to have this tea.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:11:08 +0000

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