Did you know that your sign has changed? Did you know that the - TopicsExpress


Did you know that your sign has changed? Did you know that the order of the heavenly constellations in the newspapers and magazines may also change ? How was reached this conclusion ? , And whether this talk is based on a scientific basis ? . When looking at the order of the heavenly constellations as published by newspapers and other media , we will notice that Aries is in the beginning and then Taurus فالجوزاء the Valsrtan even whale at the end of the order of the celestial zodiac . In fact, astronomers ancients did not put Aries in the beginning of the arrangement at random, but came in accordance with the considerations astronomer, has agreed astronomers since ancient times to be a point ( vernal equinox ) is the starting point in determining the positions of celestial bodies , and the point of the vernal equinox is the point at which they become vertical sun exactly on the equator during its ascent - virtual - from south of the equator towards the north , and the date is March 21 of each year, where day and night are equal on the surface of the Earth and astronomical spring begins . The old order The astronomers have noticed that the sun on March 21 of each year be in Aries if Rsduha from the ground , so put astronomers pregnancy at the beginning of Order zodiac heavenly , then completed arrangement sequentially according to the presence of the sun in each tower of the twelve constellations , and became the order of the zodiac heavenly time as follows : Aries from March 21 to April 20 , the bull from 21 April to 21 May , Gemini , from 22 May to 21 June , cancer , from 22 June to 22 July , Leo from July 23 to August 22 , Virgin from 23 August to 22 September , the balance of September 23 to October 22 , Scorpio from October 23 to November 22 , Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21 , Capricorn from December 22 to January 21 , Aquarius from January 22 to February 20 , Pisces from February 21 to March 20 . Astronomers have found that the vernal equinox point moves from its place in the sky relative to the stars by 30 degrees every 2,000 years on the west side , or change the place of one degree every 70 years . When monitoring the Pharaohs year 3000 BC, was the point of the vernal equinox in Taurus , and when monitoring Muslims before about 1400 years ago , the sun was in Aries , and this means that the order of zodiac current was true in that period , but in the current era has passed the point of moderation Rubaie of pregnancy to the whale , when we monitor the sun on March 21 of each year we see in Pisces and not in pregnancy, and that the point of the vernal equinox will be in Aquarius after about 450 years from now, and then move to the zodiac other complementary full cycle on the zodiac are all in for 25,800 years , and the most amusing thing is that astrologers do not know all this , and knew him will not admit it Lobel do not work . There has been a solar eclipse on Thursday, 12.12.1992 AD , when a total eclipse of the sun show stars and clear around the sun in broad daylight because of darkness that prevails result eclipse, when the monitor astronomers Eclipse found that the sun is in Sagittarius , note that the order in the old and known in newspapers and magazines and adopted among astrologers shows that the sun on this date will be in Capricorn , and this statement is totally wrong ! ! It was to prove his footsteps practical evidence , namely by direct observation with the naked eye as took place on 12/12/1992 . This change in the order of zodiac heavenly caused by ataxia axis of rotation of the earth around itself, where he works axis of rotation of the earth movement spindle result of buckling the earth at the equator, and attract the sun and the moon to the Earth, making the direction of axis of rotation of the Earth is moving slowly, we find for example, that axis was heading in the era of the Pharaohs in about 3000 BC snake toward the star in the constellation of the dragon , and then move the direction of the axis towards the star Alpha Ursa Minor , which is the current Thuban , in the year 13000 will be the axis toward the star Vega in constellation Eagle reality . Due to change the order of the celestial zodiac already talking about it , it has also changed the place where going sun in the sky or what we call the zodiac line , and then changed the dates of the existence of the sun in each tower. How the moon affects the rights? Scientists believe that despite the misguided influence of moons gravity on humans , but it is no impact to the moons gravity it, and their argument for this is that the percentage of water in the human body up to 80% , so it happens D biological fluids his body , and leads to the affected proportion of hormones in the human body and disrupt blood circulation and fluid in the modern arrangement of the heavenly Bruges , who became as follows: Pisces from 18 April to 11 March , Aries from May 13 to April 18, the bull from June 21 to 13 May , Gemini from 20 July to 21 June , the cancer from August 10 to July 20, al - Assad from August 10 to September 16 , Virgin September 16 to October 30, the balance of the October 30 to November 23 , Scorpio from November 23 to November 29 , الحواء from 29 November to 17 December, the bow of the December 17 to January 20 , Capricorn 20 January to February 16, Aquarius from 16 February to 11 March . Moons gravity on humans Scientists believe that despite the misguided influence of moons gravity on humans , but it is no impact to the moons gravity it, and their argument for this is that the percentage of water in the human body up to 80% , so it happens D biological fluids his body , and leads to the affected proportion of hormones in the human body and disrupt blood circulation and fluid in the brain , so it changed the mood and then affect human behavior and mental disturb the equilibrium has , according to the force of gravity of the moon . The scientists tested the astronauts on the surface of the earth , in order to determine the accuracy of the information that says change human behavior mental change the force of gravity affecting it , فلاحظوا that equilibrium mental have changed from their presence in tropical regions with less gravity about the polar regions , which increases the gravity, scientists knew from that moment that the lack of gravity in space affect human behavior. We have studies indicated that the birth rate increase when there is a moon in the completeness, less whenever decreased facial enlightening than the moon , where less than when the moon in quadrature the first , with a birth rate aspects when there is a moon in the completion, also noted that the birth rate consistent with the occurrence of the tides , where scientific studies indicated that the birth rate at the coastal population increase significantly when the greatest tide occurs , and at least at the time of the islands, and this means that a womans uterus is also influenced by the attractiveness of the moon endangering some contractions leading to an increase in the birth rate. And when one of the doctors to study the relationship between the moon and pregnancy, found that the best time to fertilize the egg when a woman is when there is a moon similar to what it was Moon at birth is , if born women and the moon was complete , the best times of pregnancy when this woman when the moon complete. Some scientists believe that the effect of moons gravity on the human impact on the hormonal balance in the blood Vtgalna more inclined or vulnerable to situations of anger, irrationality or landslides nerve deep when there is a moon in certain situations, and Ive known this situation since ancient times as the (Mad Moon ) lunacy The ancient Greeks may knew of this phenomenon , as they restrict people who are known for their being subjected to it , for fear of a bull they and their criminal behavior when there is a moon in completion. In the current era , there are some private hospitals mental illness prevents vacations to their employees when there is a moon in complete fear of the actions of some psychiatric patients with seizures resulting from acute effect of the moon on them . Also showed statistics that the rate of crimes mad theft and accidents deliberate and resulting from severe mental illness and murder resulting from the actions irrationality increases when there is the moon in the completion , and it remains this effect is present even in the night rain and the sky overcast that prevent us light of the moon, suggesting that the effect of lunar gravity is the reason. How the sun affects the rights? The old man s attention to the sun hopes to look impressive , they are the main source of heat that keeps his life on earth, as well as maintain the plant life and constitute one of the most important elements for their growth. So Jerusalem sun since ancient human and worshiped , where he called Pharaohs God ( Ra ) as the Arabs worshiped in ignorance. Star and the sun like the rest of the stars we see at night in the sky, but the close proximity to the proportion of these we see bright stars in the sky, and thus affect us strong Bhrartha . And issued the sun ( winds, solar ) which is about rays as diverse as X-rays and alpha , beta and gamma and infrared and ultraviolet and visible light , in addition to particles electrically charged , and up the solar wind all the planets but receive planets near the sun , including land amount is greater than unlike solar wind distant planets from the sun with access to a minimal amount of the solar wind. Ive found the astronomers that the solar wind impact on the ground , they are cluttered communications, and affect the climate of the planet in general, where he spoke flooding or drought in non- timely addition to the increase in storms , as they affect the ozone layer, which protects living organisms from the risk of UV , as it affects astronauts and satellites, and cluttered radio and television broadcasting . And pass the sun sometimes actively magnetic characteristic, and a sign of this activity Magnetic is the appearance of sunspots huge on the surface of the sun, sunspot is an area on the surface of the sun I said temperature for the surface temperature of the sun at about 2,000 degrees Celsius result affected domain magnetic severe , and as a result magnetic activity sends the sun into space much larger amount of solar wind from the usual rate , and increase the impact of the solar wind on the planets , including Earth . And pass the sun actively magnetic Featured in cycles to occur once every 11 years, where there is the evolution evident in the activities of solar , which is accompanied by the emergence of a large number of sunspots on the surface of the sun, do not really know yet why the activities solar pass in one session every 11 years, but this is confirmed by astronomical observations for more than two centuries , even if we cut stem a tree incidentally, Fsnlahz number of rings, the difference between each ring and the other years of age , but we find that the eleventh episode always thicker than the rings other , and this is the finest recording of the nature of the solar cycle . It is strange effects observed by scientists through scientific research, that the spread of dangerous diseases such as plague , cholera , typhoid and measles epidemics appear when a solar cycle . Also reached a scientists Japan to the discovery of a sudden increase in the proportion of albumin blood in humans and that in the event of the solar cycle , which in turn affect the Earths magnetic field and then to humans , also found that the percentage of lymphocytes at least in the human body , so the observed increase in the number of patients with diseases resulting from lack of lymphocytes at the time of the solar cycle . The doctors also noted that the solar magnetic disturbances have a major reason for the occurrence of many diseases such as tuberculosis and blood clots and heart failure , and because the magnetic fields is doing blood clots near the skin, and thus lead to the creation of an opportunity to blockage of the coronary artery . It was also noted that the solar magnetic fields affect the Earths magnetic field , and then affect the nervous system of humans, has talked behavioral disorders, has been observed an increasing rate of traffic accidents increased four - fold in the next day to solar activity . Embarrassing questions in front of the employed in fortune Despite the attempts of the Standing of people who work in fortune trying to convince people of their ability to predict the future and revealed fortune and character analysis and so on , but the science and logic rational always stands in front of all these lies and superstition , and addresses of employees in fortune so as not to exploit the vulnerability in some people , whether weakness of religious faith or vulnerability to meet the challenges and social problems faced by a person in his life, and this case as aforesaid does not belong to a society given even pertain to all segments of society , whether a person rich or poor , ignorant or educated , factor only , which prevents the occurrence of a person trapped in Astrology is a religious faith as well as science . And to assure the people who believe in fortune not to the health of the people of astrology allegations , I put the following questions for those who are working in fortune and who يصدقونهم and I challenge any mine in the world to answer the questions that Satrhaa in this topic , namely: 1 - Why can not the answer to how to mine the effect of the sun , moon and planets on the human personality and different emotions and moral stature , for example, is that astrology Venus bestows love and money - born beauty, how can this be done ? Is Venus does so through a certain rays or gravity and if this is true , how does this process work ? Then why have jinx planet Saturn and the buyer money with the planet they are nearly the same installation ? ! 2 - If a person were asked a number of astrologers to determine his fortune in the coming years , you ll notice that each mine will record coming up is quite different from the other horoscope clearly. 3 - can not mine with past revealed that he has already happened , if a persons record his memoirs, and mine was asked to reveal the events that occurred with him one day , he can not show these events . 4 - What is the relationship between the tower and the planet is located where ? Since there is no relationship between the planet and the tower only that the planet is located at the level of line of sight from Earth with the tower, while the tower is a group of stars imaginable veterans on a particular form , and stars a huge dimension us the proportion of the planets car , so it may not be linked to the planets in this star in any form . 5 - The tower Heavenly is a group of stars imaginable veterans in different forms , but they do not represent the shape which was named in his name , so Vberg Assad has nothing to do animal lion known , Vcefat Assad not associated with tower -Assad in any way , so why pairing astrology among the qualities of the animal the tower in the sky? 6 - depends astrology at the moment of birth to detect fortune , but why does not depend on the moment of conception , a period that affected the fetus which factors different and that affects the character of the fetus , while not affected fetus at birth by external factors , because his body and Tabaúah be completed. 7 - including that astrology capable - by their claims - that reveals secrets and look to the future , and that the mine is able to detect the future of the people , why can not mine revealed his future is ? Valmndjem exposed to diseases , accidents and lost in the trade , why does not know if the claims to reveal the future ? 8 - note that the fortune- workers do not have any information about astronomy, as it does not know the positions of the planets in the sky car does not identify the celestial zodiac is employed by ! The information that people write them where ambiguity is clear and can be applied to all people , and then they do not address the details of events that can be located in
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:20:21 +0000

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