Did you know there is an entire world many miles beneath - TopicsExpress


Did you know there is an entire world many miles beneath us—living, breathing, moving about, and conducting daily life? It is a secret place that you and I are not allowed to see, or know about. It is a place just slightly above hell, where there is tornment, anguish, and genetic testing. A place where ‘things’ that can only be seen in our worst nightmares exist. They are the sons of Satan—the Nephilim—the genetically made life forces of wickedness and the epitome of corruption! We can see their fingerprint all throughout history! But you wonder, and you ask, “Why does this woman spend so much time on this subject? Is she fascinated with evil?” The answer might surprise you. Yes, I find these subjects very interesting. However, I would much rather write to you daily about Yeshua, and the love that the Father, YHVH, has for you. But, you who need the warnings will not read anything like that. There would only be a handful of views and you would move on to the next thing. So how does God reach you who are not interested in such writings? And why do I keep posting news to do with these ‘freaky and socially unacceptable’ subjects? I will tell you. Because I am writing these letters of darkness to two different groups of people: (1) the groups of people who need educated so that they may educate, and (2) those of you who do not believe, and will never believe. Yes. Those of you who will be here for the coming deception. You will not believe a word I speak to you now. However, this information is going to be stored in your mind for a later time. You will remember. These news posts are mainly for those who mock and doubt. I am daily damned by fellow believers who want me to only write things that tickle their ears, as well as everyone else’s. But then, how will people repent if they are okay and comfortable living in their sin? Doesn’t the Bible say that the truth shall set us free? Such a trick and a lie of the devil! “Don’t speak truth to people or you might offend! We serve a ‘make love, not war’ type of Jesus! Sing praises all day long and ignore the evil in this world that we are supposed to expose!” Allow me to expose myself for a moment here so that I do not confuse anyone. I sin! I make mistakes daily! However, I call my sin what it is—SIN! I refuse to say that it’s okay, or that I can live in my own sin without repentance, because I can’t. I just want to make that clear real quick here. Yeshua DID NOT die so that I could sin and sin, and keep on sinning. Now let’s move on. Some are called to exhort other believers, this is true. However, I am called to bring warning and shame! I am the part of the body that nobody wants to see. I expose the things that are ugly and shameful. There is enough sugar floating around the Body of Christ to drive a person to spiritual diabetes; but not enough salt! Jesus told us to be the salt of the earth! What happens when you get salt on a wound? It burns and it stings! Yeshua did not come to sweeten your wounds, He came to salt them! Sugar will rot your wound and cause it to grow yeast/fungus (corruption)! But salt, though painful, will heal the wound and keep it clean! Salt draws out the infection (corruption)! So you who do not believe, and will not believe, listen. There is coming VERY SOON a great deception! The lips from which the lies shall seep will be beautiful and tempting to believe. The deception will creep in like cancer cells—little by little, piling up without your suspecting. You will think everything is wonderful, and better than ever, when suddenly the beautiful lips turn into serpent’s skin, and an enormous tumor erupts from your chest! But by then, it will be too late! My friend, DO NOT fall prey to the deception that will sneak into your households and lure you to the point of no return! These things sound too far-fetched right now to believe—alien agendas, Nephilim, UFO’s, Alien Messiahs, etc. etc.—but I say to you, “AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOE (NOAH)!” DO NOT let the thief surprise you, nor allow him to overtake you with his cunning words! Wake up! Be on guard! Be watchful! Be ready! Because Yeshua’s hand is on the doorknob! The doors are about to be thrown open with force! As He is crying out in a loud voice, with the sound of the shofar, “READY OR NOT! HERE I COME!”
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:11:05 +0000

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