Did you miss last nights show well now you can catch the entire - TopicsExpress


Did you miss last nights show well now you can catch the entire rebroadcast start to finish via youtube cam, open mic and laughs included! Happy Thanksgiving everyone were so glad to host last nights amazing show we had so many people stop in while others could only make some of the show but still came. I have a surprise for my friends across the world or the folks who could not make it. I set up last nights show to also record LIVE on youtube and its up its the raw footage bloopers included and you can view it at https://youtube/watch?v=yVS5ed6QMn4 or https://plus.google/u/0/events/cqld4rpdith0tfjg8eo47vrsu98 I woke up this morning and was like wow I must seen over 30 emails telling me they want more radio and that the show really brought them some laughs. I had others who just wanted to see these sick people roasted while others came out to hear a little about Brett Watson which till the very end I do honor because he cant speak for himself but we can be his voice. He loved his kid and the ocean but he had a good heart because he ran a school to help others. But before his death and being murdered in October he was being taunted, bullied, libeled and slandered. So I wanted to do something for him so this was one of the many reasons I hosted last nights show was in his honor because I know he would have tuned in because the people I were roasting were hating on him for no reason other then jealousy and the fact that he refused to bully others in this field. I appreciate SYN Australia for there support for our show I know they must miss Brett allot as with many of these bullies there associates have become my allies so something good comes out of all of this if you want to look at the pros to all of this. I have to admit I never used this service to broadcast my shows I like it but in the future ill have to learn it better because there is allot of features like you can doodle on cam things, open up a chat room, take Q&A or make your cam different colors etc. I also learned later in the show I could publicly air people on cam but did not realize that till later and we had at least 20 people come up on cam privately which was awesome participation and some of you I had to mute because there was back feed its just something that can be correct by lower speakers, keeping the mic at a good distance and maybe wearing headphones which cuts it out completely. Trust me I been hosting radio for a long time we have a wireless system set up I do that to prevent back feed from my own show or you would hear two Lord Ricks and hearing one is merely enough lol let alone two. I learned that google+ broadcasting stretches out my cam but when its done processing in youtube it puts it back to normal size so the video is much clearer if you watch it via youtube rather then from the google+ event page just sayin if you want a better picture if you so chose to watch. Last nights roast included an interview with Christina George which I had allot of private comments on how great of a job she did and I am so happy she came to the show to speak her mind. We also had Mike Dijital call in over the years he has called in nearly every show for some reason my skype would not broadcast his call maybe my settings were reset because I downloaded a new version and even my friend BlanKa came on to chill. On a good note I have recorded the skype call with Mike and will revamp this episode in the future as I am a video editor and ill eventually replace the talking to myself with his skype conversation with me because he has a strong message as well for a certain clown who thinks that he is me and we been friends since like 2005 TRUTH. I have also downloaded last nights show the video because we will eventually clean it up in the beginning, add our logos and of course I will add in the Mike Dijital interview in the edited cleaned up version since for some reason when I started the show the first two minutes I was trying to figure out everything at once how it works, sound test etc etc. You are more then welcome to watch and catch the rebroadcast its 8 hours that is the problem with todays Internet radio its short maybe to short. But I saved the last hour to hour and half geared towards some of our paranormal cases we have worked into UFOs, Bigfoot and even Ghosts. I saved the paranormal for last because I like to talk about the more stranger things late into the night its just more fun that way. I also am almost done with my cooking video its an Italian red and garlic crushed pepper turkey trust me its the bomb. So you should see my cooking video come out in the future on how to prep and cook one of the tastiest moistest turkeys in the world. So you will also get a cooking show coming in the future use it on the holidays your family and friends will say you cook the best turkey in the world trust me on this LOL. Just make sure you throw some kudos to Lord Rick please! :) I hope last nights show brought others together if you been burned by Krusty or any of people from his hate group you have heard me defend you online so now you get to hear me defend you offline. Some of you dont even know this group is hating on you making up libelous articles maybe stalking you secretly etc so you should listen be aware of these sorts of people that is all Brett ever wanted is for others just to be careful in getting involved with the people I roasted last night. There is a greater message to my show you may not get it you might miss it entirely but every show I do it takes the entire show for me to convey a much greater message all the way down to the wire. I did not DJ last night I did not take breaks because I know if I used music these clowns who constantly bother me would be complaining to youtube because you see that is all they do that is why I am suspended on FB and cant wish any of my friends there a Happy Thanksgiving because they are illegally harassing me way beyond the coming of last nights show because that is what they do to me besides use my kids as shields and try to shut down our scientific research which is only a small part of the pie so that is why you should watch the show then you will come to understand. Please downloaded the show use it however you want by clipping it, posting it to your channels, pass it around to friends, save it to watch anytime you need a good laugh or whatever. Of course my haters will clip it but not tell anyone that this is from a comedy show because they have no lives and they think some of my parody is real as I could tell them I jumped off a bridge they would literally believe it lol. Anyhow thanks for all the kind words the Thanksgiving wishes I had to sleep in was so tired this morning did not get to bed till 7am because I had to process the show, add tags, descriptions etc via youtube and fix Tammys Internet explorer. I had a great time getting all of you together its okay to make an ass of ourselves as long as its in good fun and I am not afraid to laugh at myself because I am not filled with hatred only love for our supporters and friends who took a time out just to tune on in. It should be a great day about to start the pies, homemade mashed potatoes, nice roaring fire and the trimmings. In between ill be finishing off my cooking video and hopefully in a couple hours I get stuff as if I did not do plenty of stuffing it to you in last nights show haha. I wish for everyone a peaceful holiday at least those that celebrate it here in the US as far as my friends overseas we all should have something to be thankful for even if that is new friends or celebrating life. I know after the show our google+ community took a huge jump in members that was another positive that people joined our community despite my sailor like mouth lol. Today I guess ill eat really good everything I am making is homemade almost, drink some wine, watch a movie and play Watch Dogs on my PS3 ill be around maybe later tonight ill post some paranormal articles to our FB and Google+ paranormal page. I am trying to go to a ghost town Saturday its in a very remote place but if I told you the name that would give away the surprise its a fairly famous ghost town but not visited often. So have a great day here is all 8 hours of AngelOfThyNight Radio Stuffing It To You we hope that you will take sometime on this special day to catch the rebroadcast and that you find it very fruitful. During the show I was checking my messages and had dozens of people who really had a good time or heard an individual get roasted who may have burned there paranormal group so for them that was music to there ears and for me it was just another shot of Jim Beam and joint lol. Thank you all for listening have no worries I will be back in the future our show dates back before paranormal shows came to be we just decided to do a different style of radio over the years and really produce episodes that others could really envelop themselves with. State tuned as ill also post this to our other youtube channel which will be a better version/edited and even post this to some other video sites. Make sure you circulate this show get it out there so that our haters will know that were not going anywhere were not backing down and we do not have to put up with there illegal activities that divide the paranormal community not bring it together. Last night we brought everyone together and had a good time that is what it is about mission accomplished we did it! Have a safe and wonderful day from one brother to all my other brothers and sisters across the miles! This is for all of you enjoy!!!! Namaste, Lord Rick Talk Show Host/Comedian/Producer AngelOfThyNight Radio
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:17:16 +0000

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