Didnt get to watch the Anthony Mundine fight last night as I had - TopicsExpress


Didnt get to watch the Anthony Mundine fight last night as I had other commitments which made it impossible to get to watch it .. However after reading Facebook this morning I seen the results and also noticed just how many self proclaimed boxing experts are in friends list especially seeing as more than 95% off you have never even stood in a boxing ring to have a photo taken let alone fight.. One such status reads.. So good to see one of these bums that Mundine fights gave him a flogging, the guy is a wanker now piss off and retire So lets look at the facts ...... First off Joshua Clottey is no bum, he is a former world champion and he went the DISTANCE with Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto, two of the top welterweights of this generation.. Definitely no bum.. And you so called boxing experts should know this... Secondly How many of you who called Anthony a wanker have actually ever spoke to or reached out to the man? Personally I think Anthony is a great bloke who I would love to train under or with as he has answered any of my questions honestly and helpfully whenever I have sent him a message.. A wanker wouldnt do that but you sheeple believe everything the idiot box tells you to so I cant blame you guys can I? Lastly I applaud Choc for having the balls to chase his dream and work his ass off to try achieve them, Now I ask you all to take a look in the mirror and ask yourselves have I ever had the guts to chase my dreams and try to inspire others to do the same? Im guessing not.... So Id like to say to Anthony Steven Mundine congrats Choc and keep your head up even the greatest fall but its how you come back from a loss that defines you.. Your still in the top 10 Aussie fighters Ive had the pleasure of watching in my lifetime ... P.S please dont retire mate, there is still some good fights out there for you :)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:15:51 +0000

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