Diego Garcia is working to become a gun violence voter in - TopicsExpress


Diego Garcia is working to become a gun violence voter in 2014 Venezuela has been an oil rich country since the start of the XX Century and the number # 1 provider of oil to the United States for many years. Since 1998 a former military Lt. Colonel with outright communist formation/infiltration in the Venezuela Armed Forces led to a fail coup in 1992 that gave him an immense popularity do to political discontent. He won fair and square the 1998 election and from then on rigged every election since then to remain in power. This monster died one year ago and left self appointed a heir , as if he was The Queen of England. His equally inept successor has continued the Chávez policies that have led to hunger, death and torture of peaceful University student and civil unarmed civilians, by terrorist attacks and oppression of the Venezuela National Guard headed by the communist puppet regime of Nicolás Maduro. The appointed president by the late dictador HUGO CHAVEZ and backed/supported by the G-2 Cuban Agency, violating the Venezuelan Constitution, and thus becoming a communist oppressive dictador that has used the oil rich resources of Venezuela to further the growth of leftist and outright communist dictatorships in Central and South America. Meanwhile the communist regime has led Venezuela to economic colapse, decrease oil production and massive foreign debt mainly to Russia and China that has sold obsolete armament to Venezuela who in turn gives it away to narco terrorists in Central and South America. Venezuela is today bankrupt and we dont even have food, medicines and medical equipment or even toilette paper. Support freedom of communism that is alive and kicking in Rusia under Vladimir Putin former head of the KGB and President of Russia with expansion aspirations as we ave seen in Ucrania in the last 30 days plus the invasion of Crimea. Please help by writing to the United Nations, Organization of American States, ruled by a leftist majority in USA sponsored and economic support of the USA, and to the White House and US Congress. I alert you that this communist regime has the support $$$ of such people as Sean Penn, Danny Glover and Oliver Stone that has just finished a movie about Hugo Chávez, bankrolled, naturally, by Venezuela. Also an expensive lobby in Washington and a self proclaimed advocate and self serving US citizen woman that goes by the name of Eva Golinger. STOP THE GROWTH OF THIS BUBONIC DISEASE OF COMMUNISM AND OF A NEW AND MORE DANGEROUS COLD WAR! Please sign te petition. GOD BLESS YOUR HEART! Ask people to pledge Read more
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:19:58 +0000

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