Diesel, you were my very first baby! You were my sleeping partner - TopicsExpress


Diesel, you were my very first baby! You were my sleeping partner when I worked nights, my secret keeper, my nurse when I needed only the care you could give, my very best friend. You were such a fighter through your hip replacement at 6 months old, hundreds of seizures, ITP spending a week in the animal ICU, platelet transfusions, chemo, steroids that turned you into a beast, acute pancreatitis, and lastly hip dislocation. You always fought back! You taught me how to take care of Evan! You were with me through our 3 miscarriages, MS diagnosis, Evans scary beginning in this world, and kept me company during my 16 weeks of bed rest. You were always there to give me your big sloppy (and terribly stinky) kisses. You thought you were human and in our eyes you were. Im so sorry that you had to go today. I am completely heart broken. Our house is empty and quiet now (and you didnt make noise). I know you are now pain free, seizure free, and running around now healthy and whole. Thank you for everything you did for us, you will forever be missed! Until we see you again my sweet boy...
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:17:51 +0000

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