Diet Update James and I are now starting week 5 of our restricted - TopicsExpress


Diet Update James and I are now starting week 5 of our restricted vegan diet. Firstly, we have broken it on 5 seperate occasions and this occured at social events. We ate no deserts but did have one pasta dish, I had two very small pieces of pork and a mouthfull of chicken, James had Pizza and chips.... The outcome of each break was that we both felt bloated, even though we are continuing to loose weight and we lost that feeling of complete mental clarity that we had gained after five or six days of a reduced vegan diet. We had intitiall started out on green smoothies three times daily supplemented by bean and veggie stew. This, for James was not satisfactory and he decided that he wanted to chew his green leaves and have other vegan recipes for dinner rather than the stew. So... breakfast is now 2 pieces of fruit Lunch is 1 lb of greens each with an oil free dressing of orange, date, taragon and apple cider vinegar with a dish for instance today we are having raw courgette spaghetti (we have a gadget that makes this) with mushroom, onion, tomato and herb sauce, no salt (the herbs are parsley, basil and oregano. Dinner will be a green smoothie each made from 1lb of green veg with a mango thrown in and around half a pound of steamed veg, tonight is cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli and onion. So... how do we feel generally. The first two weeks were pretty rough. The detox, for us was painful - limbs aching - with nuclear headaches for around 3 days and what I can only describe as the dark thoughts of ego doubt drifting in and out of both of our minds. We supported each other through this. I am 56 feeling very creaky in the joints, I also have arthritis in the spine and angina from which I get chest pain on an almost weekly basis and I have addisons disease. My energy level is not good, I get up between 5 - 6am, walk 3 km with the dog and then work until around 4pm after which I am pretty pooped. If I am not careful and over do it, I have cortisol crashes - due to the addisons - which I have had all of my life and this leads to having to work from bed for up to a week. After four weeks on this diet my energy levels have risen 100%. I have had absolutely no chest pain since the end of week two. I have lost 3 kilos, my hair is shiny, my skin is softer, I can run up 3 flights of stairs and I now walk 4km a day and plan on building this up to seven. In another coulple of weeks I will start doing some gentle weight training. For those who are interested in how the diet is effecting consiousness exploration I will be posting on the TLC fb page within the next couple of days. James has found that he has much more mental clarity, less mental distractions, his twice daily meditation is easier to do, a little less monkey mind... He feels physically more healthy, more tolerant however the foray into the dark side of pizza and chips took two days for him to process and then regain the clarity of miind that he had experienced pre pizza. So, we are going to see if we can do the next two weeks without coming off the diet at all. So far, I can say that the results of reading Eat To Live and listening what Tom Campbell had to say about his own thoughts on a restricted vegan diet have been very promising indeed.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 10:54:41 +0000

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