Difference Between A Muslim By Name And My People I believe in - TopicsExpress


Difference Between A Muslim By Name And My People I believe in what I’ll die for, Hoyo taught me if you have nothing to live for, You better find something to die for, She was a stand-up woman, In the face of danger, Taught me to stand, No money for rent, children’s provider, Better he’s selling then the alternative, Don’t want children walking pavements panhandling, Ever seen a child’s mother begging for a dime, Willing to get on her knees and perform dirty deeds, Willing to die for my people, Willing to stand next to them hence I came from them, We got bad apples no matter different shades, Muslims no different, What’s the difference between a mother performing oral for a dime bag, Compared to a learnt Muslimah who denies Allah (s.w.t), Mother addicted to kite flying but Muslimah addicted to lewd walking, Hoyo sticks a needle in her arm nightly while Muslimah shed clothes, Whats the difference between the mother who performs nightly stripping, Compared to the Muslimah who posts pictures on Facebook, Whats the difference between a pregnant woman earning 100’s from escorting, Compared to Muslimah interacting with brothers not her Mahram, I don’t discriminate, I see clearly, Where I was birthed from; received no message, Struggling in plain sight, received no help, Muslimah pretending their better because they mouth Shahada, Ain’t no amount of Quran can replace what you lack, Sincerity, compassion, love, I got family walking corners, knowing if they go behind bars, He or she ain’t coming back, Muslim brothers pretending bars, nightclubs, and strip-clubs are better, Muslimah acting like buying exotic extravagant perfume ain’t sinning, No matter if 50 wealthy individuals were brought in front of me, They never will be equal to one poor man’s self-contentment, My family, hoyo, auntie, uncle, brother slinging God knows what, Your right, we got difference between us verse them, Don’t forget you verse me, Whats your point? Misunderstanding you ain’t nothing but recycled garbage, I’ve watched families fall to swat teams invading homes, Father in prison, sons killed by police, Daughters selling re-used virginity like it is a refurbished television, Yet at the end of day; they come together before funerals, So they can remember one another, What excuse are you going to give? Angry at each other for three days over difference of opinion? Killing each other over difference of ideologies? Thinking were better than those who are grinding performing illegal acts? Ain’t no difference between us verse them, If anything your worse, I’m willing to go back to where I came from, Willing to advance society because you ain’t doing nothing but reversing time, Truth be told you ain’t nothing but collateral damage, Watching Muslimah tease, seduce, and play mind games, Acting like it is a man’s fault for gazing, Forgetting it was the woman who slipped and allowed the man to gaze at something, Muslimah acting like they are better, Walking covered but wearing 6 inch pumps, Jingles of gold chains and metallic ear-rings attract attention, Make-up looking like a wild-peacock, Ain’t no difference, if nothing else, your worse, Told truth but refuse to follow Sunnah, We need to stop acting like were better than the rest, First we gotta’ follow unlike the rest, We gotta’ be able to walk the talk instead of talking with nothing to show, So far we ain’t nothing but salesman with nothing to sell, Worse comes to worse, I shine shoes, Can’t forget what happened when I interacted with fools, Talking its dangerous when they got nothing but YouTube videos as evidence, Afraid of webcams and cameras, Talking smack like they ain’t afraid of interrogation, Talking like they live in danger, I been in danger, survived death, came out burned, Light, sound, and food deprivation performed by Feds, Wouldn’t give them nothing but Quran, Scars on my back from lashes by my father, Nearly died from food poisoning by adopted family, Safety I don’t know where to start, Ever visit Yemen or Somalia as an American? I got more experience in the ghetto, Then Muslims do understanding they ain’t better than the rest, It’s funny, most of them forget, If their deeds don’t match words, They ain’t nothing but mile markers, For others to pass…
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 23:58:58 +0000

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