Difference between QURAN,GITA and BIBLE Thread: Difference - TopicsExpress


Difference between QURAN,GITA and BIBLE Thread: Difference between QURAN,GITA and BIBLE If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQby clicking the link above. You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Tags:None 1 2 3 4 5 First Last ajit_kumar said: May 15th, 2001 02:43 AM Difference between QURAN,GITA and BIBLE i got somewhere on this site a page Difference between QURAN,GITA and BIBLE but access was denied to me.can anyone of you tell me some of the differences which you know.with my limited understanding of GITA and QURAN,i see nothing but same in both the BOOKS.can you please tell me about some of the differences.(i havent read BIBLE,please be specific to GITA nad QURAN.) if two truths contradict each other,the truths cant be wrong by their very nature;introspect ;your understanding of the truths is wrong. wasir said: May 15th, 2001 08:34 AM I dont know about your book Gita..but you can ask any question..I will answer according to Holy Quran natureboycool said: May 15th, 2001 09:37 AM I am not an expert but I have some limited knowledge.... The Bible was compiled by a host of different authors in different perios of time (hence the word Bible - meaning a collection of books). The Quran however was written by Allah, and compiled by the prophet during the lifetime of the prophet. Another unique thing is that every word has remained the same ever since its revelation unlike the Bible which has had undergone revisions. The Geeta; never really came across it. However, I am sure there are more people in Gupshup wholl know a lot more than me on this topic! rvikz said: May 15th, 2001 10:05 AM When virtues decline and the evils flourish, I give myself birth to protect the good and destroy the sinners. In every age I appear for establishing righteousness. ---gita will this realy happen? sheba said: May 15th, 2001 05:35 PM as muslims we believe in christianity in its ORIGINAL form, as it was the message from Allah which was given to prophet Jesus (Esa in arabic)who then taught whatever revelation he received. however after esas death the original bible was changed by saints and what have you, and now the christian faith is not as it should have been. also the bible warned that after esas death there will come a person conveying the same message but continuing it who is prophet muhammed. when muhammed (saw) received the revelation Allah (SWT) had promised that this book will never be altered like the books of the jews and the christians. therefore islam is the accumulation of the messages given to the jews and christians and it concludes with the quran. all these religions mentioned are called islam, as they were one message sent by the same god. Islam began from Adam and many thousands of prophets came after him to teach people richeousness and belief in one god and this concluded with the final messenger who is prophet muhammad. The Geeta, i heard is a book of how to live your life according to what is moral, and this teaching was delivered by man. however islam also teaches morals but these morals are defined by someone with infinite wisdom who created the heavens and the earth so the quran would be the book to follow. i hope my information was helpful to you Ajit. ajit_kumar said: May 16th, 2001 05:47 AM Thanks,Sheba for your reply.before you one guy had quoted from GITA,that why doesnt LORD appear as is said.see,at this juncture it might be unbeleivable but just wait and in the years to come(less than 10-11 years);you will come to know. GITA is also told by the same LORD who told QURAN;the apparent differences are there because they were told at different conditions. there is a beleif that QURAN denies re-birth though it requires a lot of patience on your side to understand this.in QURAN it is coded that after our death our soul remains as such in our graves till re-surrection day.(resurrection is also called mukti in sanskrit).in GITA it is told that we have three bodies;one is gross(this body);other two are subtle.on our death;the gross body leaves the soul;till resurrection the subtle body remains with soul .it is this subtle body which is referred to in QURAN.see;it was relly baffling for me that how come QURAN is different from GITA and i have done a lot of research and i havent found similarities but they are same. likewise in QURAN it is said that when we enter our graves ;a question is asked are you a muslim;if no;he is lead to hell.it isnt like this the question is are you a TRUE muslim;just the omission of word true makes so much of a difference.(hindus arent buried nor are parsis). see the main problem is that we read either GITA or QURAN and start comparing them based on what we have heard from others ;why not read them yoyrself.you wont become a Hindu by reading GITA;but certainly you will have a better understanding of the QURAN(please dont think that i am saying that GITA is greater than QURAN-i dont compare to find differences;but to find similarities). even the version of QURAN what i have read;i admit that language was a major barrier for me;but yet with the help of ALMIGHTY(ALLAH or LORD);i am satisfied.i think you all can help me in this regard.i will elaborate this;see from CNN program; i got that Hazis during pilgrimage time dont eat meat;it was even said that killing an animal or even plucking a plant is prohibited by pilgrims; now one of my muslim freind has told it isnt so;in fact they eat meat i think i should beleive my pakistani freind. i want to know more about ISLAM and i think that except for you all;i wont get much authentic information.please help me if you dont mind. thanks ajit rvikz said: May 16th, 2001 08:54 AM Koran has been the foundation to Muslim life and religion for 1400 years. It has moved many people with its uncompromising message of monotheism, human dignity, righteous living, individual responsibility, and social justice. wasir said: May 16th, 2001 09:29 AM Life after death..or questions in the grave etc....these are minor issues major isuue is... Qurans commands about the oneness of God and commands about Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) we have to understand majors..before we come to minors.... Gods books before Quran were true books, but Quran have priority over all those books....because those books have been altered by people, mixed up teachings with their personal opinions.....still some parts or chapters are in some sort of their true form but not the whole book....beside these four Holy books...God has sent plenty of different booklets on different Prophets in different times...sometimes we can find plenty of resemblances among them and Quran.....The reason is that they were true books or copies of true books.....but now we have got perfect Quran therfore no need for any other book... Another beauty of Quran is that whenever there is a conflict between Quran and other books...Qurans teachings are more appropriate and realistic rvikz said: May 16th, 2001 10:28 AM these books gives moral guidance still cant replace civil laws governing a country wasir said: May 16th, 2001 11:10 AM u r right there Originally posted by rvikz: these books gives moral guidance still cant replace civil laws governing a country sheba said: May 16th, 2001 05:23 PM Ajit like you i also like to read books on religion,and only hope i have enough time to compare and contrast with the geeta. like wasir said there have always been messages given to mankind and it maybe the case that the GITA has a similar basis in achieving this information. I am glad to see that you are seeking knowledge and not being ignorant like many. if there is anything you wish to ask do it in this thread or send me a private message, ill be glad to help. ZZ said: May 16th, 2001 05:57 PM They are books written at various times by different authors. Just like Pickwick Papers Midnights Children or 1001 ways to get rich quick and like. sheba said: May 17th, 2001 06:07 PM An author is someone who writes books, wheras the books mentioned by me were created as a miracle not a story. it would help if you were not so ignorant about the issue we were discussing that way we could learn of one another. sholay said: May 18th, 2001 04:02 PM YOUVE GOT 4 DIFFERENT SOURCES: 1 - THE WORD OF GOD 2 - THE TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET 3 - 3RD PARTY WITNESS ACCOUNTS 4 - AMUSING FICTION THE QURAAN FALLS FULLY WITHOUT ANY ALTERATION INTO CATEGORY 1. THE INJEEL ( BIBLE) WAS REVEALED TO ISA(AS) BUT NEVER RECORDED IN HIS LIFE TIME. THE FIRST RECORD WAS COMPILED 200 YEARS LATER,AND CONTAINS ALL THE ABOVE 4 ELEMENTS IN ONE. SOME BIBLES HAVE HAVE 73 DIFFERENT BOOKS WITHIN IT AND SOME HAVE 67 BOOKS. THE GEETA WAS RECORDED ACCORDING TO ONE HINDU SCHOLAR 1,310 MILLION YEARS AGO AND ACCORDING TO OTHERS NOT MORE THAN 4000 YEARS AGO. IT COMPRISES OF 4 PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS - THE RIG VEDA, THE YAJUR VEDA, SAM VEDA AND ATHARVA VEDA. IM NOT GONNA GET MUCH DEEPER, BUT ILL GIVE YOU FOOD FOR THOUGHT FROM A PROPHECY IN THE VEDA: PRATI SARG PARV III:3,3 5-8 A MALECHHA(BELONGING TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY AND SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) SPIRITUAL TEACHER WILL APPEAR WITH HIS COMPANIONS. HIS NAME WILL BE MOHAMMED. RAJA (BHOJ) AFTER GIVING THIS MAHA DEV ARAB(OF ANGELIC DISPOSITION) A BATH IN THE PANCHGAVYA AND THE GANGES WATER. (I.E. PURGING HIM OF ALL SINS) OFFERED HIM THE PRESENTS OF HIS SINCERE DEVOTION AND SHOWING HIM ALL REVERANCE SAID,I MAKE OBEISANCE TO THEE. O YE! THE PRIDE OF MANKIND, THE DWELLER ARABIA, YE HAVE COLLECTED A GREAT FORCE TO KILL THE DEVIL AND YOURSELF HAVE BEEN PROTECTED FROM THE MALECHHA OPPONENTS. O YE! THE IMAGE THE MOST PIOUS GOD THE BIGGEST LORD, I AM A SLAVE TO THEE, TAKE ME AS ONE LYING ON THY FEET. THE GITA ACTUALLY NAMES THE HOLY PROPHET PBUH IN A PROPHECY. GO CHECK AND TRANSLATE YOURSELF! Infoman said: May 18th, 2001 04:27 PM How do you know korans the word of god? Maybe it was a fiction of mohammeds imagination? This is not my assailing the veracity of the koran rather trying to understand why that is the word of god. sholay said: May 18th, 2001 04:35 PM SIMPLE ANSWER. NOT ONE LETTER HAS BEEN CHANGED IN 1400 YEARS. OVER A TIME SPAN OF 23 YEARS, NOT ONE GRAMMATICAL ERROR, DESPITE THE PROPHET PBUH, BEING INVOLVED IN 3 WARS, DEATH OF CHILDREN, PERSONAL INJURIES, PERSECUTION ETC. HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE. CHECK YOUR WRITING STYLE IN A YEARS TIME, AND SEE IF CHANGED. FURTHERMORE, CHRISTIAN, JEWS, HINDUS ETC HAVE ALSO SCANNED THE HOLY QURAAN INTO COMPUTER TO FIND ERRORS, BUT EVEN THEN, THE ENQUIRERS HAVE BEEN EVEN MORE MYSTIFIED BY THE RESULTS. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, ANY SCEPTIC HAS JUST TO MEET THE CHALLENGE AND MAKE JUST ONE VERSE LIKE THAT OF THE QURAAN. THE WORLDS YOUR OYSTER. NEXT PLEASE!!! sholay said: May 18th, 2001 04:38 PM BY THE WAY I FORGOT TO MENTION, THAT THE HOLY PROPHET WAS ILLITERATE. PROVEN HISTORICAL FACT. ASK ANY NON MUSLIM SCHOLAR WORTH HIS WEIGHT IN GOLD! Infoman said: May 18th, 2001 05:11 PM Maybe he had a scribe with him? The question is not whether there is a grammatical error or not. The question is that muslims have faith in that they belive that that is the word of god. Hindus dont believe that, Jews believe something else, Christians somehting else. So if each lives a good life without hurting the other person then all books are the word of god.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 13:22:04 +0000

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