Difference between the five Pillars of Islam and Out lines of the - TopicsExpress


Difference between the five Pillars of Islam and Out lines of the Quranic society. Conventional pillars of Islam:- 1-Namaaz 2- Roza 3-Hajj 4-Zakaat 5- Kalima Discussion:- The detail of the above five points are to be assessed while wearing the glasses of Hadiths.I can not offer any Quranic verse which may mention /include all the above pillars for which the so called Muslims are following them because no body is allowed to use his mind in religion. Religious emphasis is always penetrated in the mind of the followers (Mureed) by the Mullah to count on many hundreds of beads and to keep their direction of faces towards their Religious leaders But Quran has opened this reality :- Sura Al Baqara 2/177 According to the Divine Law ,the essential purpose of DEEN considering good deeds /Al Birr is not fulfilled by turning your faces towards the East or West . But the good / Al Birr is for those who believe in: 1-Allah 2- Yaum il Akhira( The life here after). 3- Malaika( All the natural forces because of which this universe is existing) 4- All Divine Books( Tora/Torait,Engeel,Zaboor and The Quran) 5-All messengers. Along with the above , in love of Allah He /they should spend his/their wealth (for the helpless people) among their nearest relatives/kith and kin’s, Orphans ,Miskeen(who’s running business has been stopped) , for the travelers ,Muhtaaj (who’s take home income is less than their actual expenditure ) , to liberate the necks of those who have taken loans and to establish Nizaam e Salaat( to establish the joint system), and to enable the wreakers to stand on their own feet. Momin are those who fulfill their words when they promise, Momin are those who remain stable during thick and thin specially during the time when a war is going on with the enemy of the Islam/Quran. The same are the Momin who have proven their Eiman true and the same people will get rid from the dangers. Discussion:- To turn faces towards East or West is of no use (When we have fixed for Salaat Muqaame Ibraheem Bait ul Haraam) as Qibla 2/125). To change the directions separately means to fix separate Qiblas .Beware good is to correct the Aqaaid and full fill the responsibilities .Therefore only those will get the benefits who:- • Believe on Allah( The only sustainer in the whole world) • *Believe in the Day of Makaafaat( We have to report back in the Divine court/Court of Allah if we have/had misused the blessing of Allah 1/3) • To believe on Malaaikas( that they are performing the only duty what has been fixed for them individually 16/50 but they all have bowed down before the mankind. 2/34. • To believe on My/Allah’s only one revealed Book(that this is detailed,6/114, Clarifying 15/1,27/1, mention the detail of everything required as far as rules of life is concerned.16/89, It is safe 41/41-42, is complete 6/115, Sufficient 29/51 , the same book was given/revealed to every messenger 26/196 etc .) • Momin are to believe on my whole Umbiyaa/ messengers.(that they had come with the same code of life. 2/213 , every Nabi was given/ reveled the same same nourishing system of life 26/196, All the Nabi /Messengers were true and were 100% obedient to Allah, Allah had never been angry with them 1/7. After correcting our faith/Eimaan comes the job description of a Momin which is as under:- * In the love of Allah donate your wealth to your kith and kin( The poor relatives have the first right in their wealth .) * Give to the orphans. ( means provide the shelter who become shelter less.) * For Miskeen( Those people who’s running business become stand still) * To The travelers ( If any traveler become penniless accidently . Instead of purchasing his Mobile or wrist watch in pennies try to give him money to reach his home). *To Needy peoples(Mohtaaj) To those people who’s income is less than their expenditure. Instead of benefitting from their short comings /constraints try to increase their income). * To liberate the neck of the people who had taken loan ( There should not be any person having loan. Who’s whole salary is going to the person who gave/lent him/her loan but and his/her children are starving) * Particularly fix the Time for the joint System of Salaat which means proper system to provide the nourishing material for each weak person) * The people appointed for this duty should have the( Distinction or quality )to fulfill their words what they promise.. * These people should be habitual to face the difficulties and problems firmly particularly in the war. They should not have any fear on their faces . * These are people who prove their Eiman true with deeds/actions mean to declare that they are to be called Muslims in reality and these are the people who can remain safe from the internal and or external dangers Above is the out line of the real Quranic society which starts with the Time of Salaat and passing through the above lines of actions over come the whole society but it is the interim arrangement /system . At the end no body become un attended to remain poor from the rights of Raboobiyyat . The concept of private property still remains Ref. 9/111 but this system want to reach up to that point when everything will the property of Allah in return of which the believers will get Society of the Paradise. When the private property is no more, the social crimes are automatically finished from the society that is fraud, Theft, dacoit ,pick pocketing and murders. In opposite to this having private property chances of crimes still prevail.,. there will be theft ,dacoit and murder also remain. Why young blood joined film:- The religious leaders/Mullahs have not presented Islam /Quran as a pilot run/practically so that the young blood could follow the Mullah. Young blood could not change their fate even having the higher qualification. The Mullah conveyed only the Orthodox ideas on the Friday prayers but kept the Quran hidden from which the young blood is fed up and have come to the film side which is attractive fro them. Mullah is far below qualified than the young blood who is only teaching Nizame Darsi which is wasting 5 to 7 years of those children who join the Madrassa for Nizama e Darsi. So He fails to continue his further education . His future is being destroyed by the Mullah. I debit this again to Mullah due to which our young generation is spoiling their future . Young blood had to spoil their future in both ways either by joining the Madrass or joining the film.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:28:37 +0000

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